In a weak moment last week I went onto eBay and started bidding on yarn. The first few wins have begun trickling in. I was gone this weekend, up to visit my sister in Seattle, where we entertained ourselves by taking a marvelous class on how to make chocolate truffles. When I got home, there were boxes waiting for me, containing the following:
A hand-painted nubbly rayon-blend yarn.
The softest pastel sprinkled wool.
A dark brownish grey wool.
I'm still debating what to do with the handpainted blue rayon yarn, but a friend is pregnant so the pastel wool in the middle may just have to become a baby layette set, and the dark grey wool is crying out to become a shawl.
The plus of taking a plane flight was that I got several (mostly) uninterrupted hours in which to knit. I finished the back of T3 on Thursday, and by the time I was on the plane heading back home this morning I'd worked the front to the point that I'm starting the armhole decreases. Another week and this thing might actually be done!
Here's a progress picture. The yarn keeps coming out too blue in pictures but if you just pretend it's a little more purple, you'll get the idea.