February 27, 2005

Time crunch

This past weekend I finished up all the pieces for Tasha - a feat which required unbinding and lengthening the two top cable sections since it turns out my guage was a little off. All that's left now is to lengthen the bottom section, toss all the pieces into the washing machine to let the cotton shrink and set, and seam them all together. And the more time I spend on this the more I love it - the way the colors from the yarn blend together, and the way the cable stands out even against the varied colors.

However, invitations for baby showers arrived in the mail, and when I saw that they are only a few weeks away, momentary panic set in. The first blanket is made, but I hadn't even started the second.

So Tasha - in all its pretty glory, has been set aside, and I am furiously knitting away on the second baby blanket. I'm doing a moss stitch border around a basic diamond pattern, which is turning out really quite nicely, even with the fuzziness of the mohair-like yarn.

I've decided that baby blankets are actually kind of fun to do. They're small enough that they're not as tedious as doing a full sized afghan, and they let me play with different pattern motifs. There is absolutely no sizing required, beyond just being wide enough to cover, or wrap around, a little kid, and the best part of all is that baby blankets never require seaming. Ah, if only every project could be so simple. Heh.

Posted by Jenipurr at February 27, 2005 03:52 PM