I should really have been working soley on Soleil, but I could not help myself. Socks go so quickly, and the Pebbles colorway from Treking XXL is just so very pretty, and adding in a lace pattern to each side of a sock makes what might otherwise be very boring stockinette just fly by. Add to this the fact that I've actually had a lot of opportunity to do sock-only knitting (in other words, knitting where it required a project small enough to cram into my purse) this past week. All this is simply to say that I am proud to present my lovely new Dublin Bay socks.
Soleil is also coming along nicely, however, despite the socky distractions. I've finished off the left front and am eying the right front next. Looks like I'll have a fair chunk of this lovely yarn left when I'm done and I'm pondering whether or not I may need to make a pretty little lacey scarf out of it.
We went to see Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on Friday night and I brought along the second of my Dublin Bay socks (which I then finished off yesterday afternoon) to keep me occupied while we sat in the theater and waited for it to begin. I had expected it to be fairly crowded, but we went to an earlier show, and while it did eventually fill up, most everyone didn't come bursting into the theater until the last possible minute.
It was a fun movie, even if it did seem like they got a little confused when trying to meld too many stories into one plot. And Richard and I were not the only ones who left the theater singing 'So Long and Thanks For All the Fish" under our breath. It seems to stand to reason that any opening credit song that is 'performed' by dolphins would naturally have an extremely catchy tune.
Oh. And I suppose I must admit that this morning, faced with the fact that, now that the Dublin Bay socks were finished, I had no portable project on the needles, I had no choice but to immediately drag out a ball of Trekking XXL in Prairie, and cast on for these.
I cannot help myself. And besides, if I thought a little lace insert made socks fly by, I was completely unprepared for how quickly a little basketweave pattern would knit up. I'm already up to the heel flap on the first sock, and the pattern and the color (which doesn't come out so well in this picture because you cannot see the hints of periwinkle and every shade of blue) are just gorgeous. See?