Faced with a selection of unpalatable choices with Soleil, and a shortage of time, I did the only thing I could do (and I even did it without crying at all). I frogged the whole thing. Yep - finished and seamed and the only thing left was the lining on the sleeves and neck and I pulled the entire thing back to little balls of yarn.
So, remember that shortage of time? This thing has to be done by Mother's Day? Surely only a crazy person would then decide to cast on for this, right? Need I even mention that I am making the largest size?
Tuesday night I swatched and made most of one sleeve (which is going to have to be ripped back to the cuffs because I completely screwed up the decreases - sigh). I'd been summoned for jury duty and was supposed to go in Tuesday, but it was postponed til Wednesday; never have I more fervently wished to actually be called (an entire day sitting in a courtroom with nothing to do but knit!). Alas, they didn't need me after all. But I woke up yesterday morning with a sore throat. And while I might normally have just sucked it up and gone to work, I eyed the pile freshy-frogged yarn, and called in sick.
I knit until after midnight on Tuesday night, and then I knit all day - from when I got up at 5am until I finally gave up at about 11:30 pm because my hands were curling into painful little claws and I just couldn't knit any more, and here is what I have so far - a completed back piece and the start of the first front panel.
I will note that the lace pattern in this pattern is just perfect for the yarn I am using, but it's a lot slower going than just plain old stockinette, or even some nice ribbing. Here's a closeup.
Weird. The courts down here put on your notice to report for jury duty that knitting needles are NOT allowed, along with knives and guns and stuff.
Well - I assumed I could knit. Heh. The courthouse website is very vague about what can and cannot be taken in, and I could never get ahold of an actual person on the phone to ask. So maybe it's for the best I didn't have to go after all!
Posted by: Jenipurr at May 5, 2005 01:53 PM