August 10, 2005

Un Limited

The one downside to finding a pile of amazing vintage yarn that has been discontinued, is that the amazing vintage yarn has been discontinued. So even if one has swatched and measured, and is completely positive that those 8 skeins of yarn, of which one will never be able to find any more ever in one's life, will surely be enough to make an afghan large enough for a full grown adult, one would be wrong, wrong, wrong.

On the plus side, this means that maybe I will just keep it for myself because I really do adore the yarn, and the colors, and the snuggly softness of it. On the not-so-plus side, this now means that I am no further along on the holiday knitting than I was when I started. Sigh.

I went to Knitting Night at the library last night and it was fun, in an interesting sort of way. Usually there are several other people there with oodles more experience and knowledge than me; however, last night they were not there, so when someone said 'can someone show me how to do increases and decreases', and when someone else said 'I have this sweater I started ten years ago - how the heck do I put the pieces together', everyone started at me. Yeek. I've been knitting for I think 2 1/2 - 3 years now and I have learned a *lot* in that time, but I still feel very much a newbie at times, and a little unprepared to actually show someone else what to do. Luckily it was all stuff I know how to do, so I did my very best to make it all make sense, and somehow I think was able to show them what they were asking to learn, in spite of myself.

I find it amusing, in a self-deprecating kind of way, that I can be so damn good at writing technical papers, curriculum, scientific reviews, and user manuals, yet turn into a babbling idiot when asked to provide the exact same service in person. I suppose this is just yet more proof that I really was meant to be a computer nerd. I interact so much better with a keyboard (grin).

But back to the knitting. I am having a very hard time right now because I keep chanting to myself 'do not start another project', now that the afghan-which-isn't-long-enough is done. I am telling myself that I have more than enough projects currently on the needles and I really need to try to finish off at least one or two of those before I start a new one. After all, I'm nearly finished with the heel flap on the second of my sockapal-2-za socks, there is the second basketcase sock that I really ought to cast on for so I can get *that* out of the way, there is a mesh bag made from autumn colored cotton (the second one of the same pattern and same yarn) that only needs a few hour hours of work, and let us not forget Kiri (which I *have* been working on, and is, I think, only one pattern repeat (we will not mention how many hundreds of stitches this means I have on the needles, no we will not) away from switching to edging and being able to bind if off at last).

I am trying very hard to be strong, but there is this little voice in my head that is insisting that the Yarn Harlot's baby blanket pattern would go really well in a full sized afghan, especially one made with this yarn, which is much brighter and pinker and more purple in person. Because there is a little girl up in Seattle (I am sure I do not need to tell you that she came up with that outfit all on her own) who loves pink and purple with a passion (a fact which makes the rest of us gleeful for the sole reason that her mother simply hates pink), and I already have the yarn, and seeing as how this is the Summer of Afghans, how long can I possibly last before I cast on for the next one?

Posted by Jenipurr at August 10, 2005 10:47 PM

Hah, yes, poor you getting asked all the questions. You just look so knowledgeable.
After about the third time someone asked you for help, Becca said that we needed a drinking game (Or rather, m&m eating game): Any time someone says "just let me finish this row!", you have to eat a chocolate.

Posted by: Frances at August 13, 2005 02:43 PM