July 04, 2006

If you thought second sock syndrome was bad...

...you ought to try Sixth Sock Syndrome! I've got only about an inch left on sock #5 before I start decreasing the toe, and then it's on to the sixth and final pink ribbon sock (well, final for this week - looks like I'll be able to make at least 4 pairs of socks for prize winners, and maybe even five!). I suspect I might be doing some last minute hasty knitting in the hotel on Friday night. Oof.

Here's the first four socks.

The pattern offers two options for the leg, so I decided to make one of each and see which one my sisters preferred. Amusingly, they both prefer the solid seed stitch filler on the leg, while I'm kind of partial to the lace panels, so we'll all be happy.

In other news, my June package from my One Skein Secret Pal arrived, and check out that yarn!

Is that going to make an awesome, fun pair of socks, or what? The card says 'Knit Happy' on the front, and the magnet says "Queen of Quite A Lot", and the bag in the back is a bag of tub tea, and I think that Sunday evening, after I get home from spending Saturday and Sunday walking 26 miles, as well as spending Saturday night in a cramped little two-man tent in a sleeping bag on the ground...I am really going to need a good long soak. Thanks, OSSP, for all the goodies!

Posted by Jenipurr at July 4, 2006 06:29 AM

Wow. Sort of makes you want to figure out how to do 4 at a time on two circulars... I still haven't quite gotten the 2 at a time down. I really should. It will save my sanity in the long run....

And what a wonderful package from your pal! *drool*

Posted by: Sachi at July 5, 2006 09:42 AM