I've managed to get the hang of that whole cover letter thing now, and I can whip one of those puppies out in seconds. I've tweaked and massaged my resume a dozen different ways in the past week, to make it work for whatever job I'm applying for. I'm working up the nerve to cold-call a few places and see if they might possibly be in the market for someone like me. I'm also pondering applying for the Assistant Shepherd position that's being advertised quite persistantly at the university, just for the amusement factor.
I went to a job fair in Sacramento on Wednesday. It was billed as a tech job fair, and was supposed to be right next to a medical job fair. Biggest waste of time ever. Both job fairs were squashed into a teeny tiny room in the convention center and there were perhaps only a dozen booths for each. The medical jobs were for positions like nurses and medical technicians of random sorts - all things for which you need specialized degrees and training. And of the dozen or so booths there from people in the technical field, about half of them were from people representing schools where you could get some sort of technical degree, so that you could then *qualify* for one of alllll those available tech jobs. Uh. Yeah. The distinct lack of attendance by potential employers at a Tech Jobs fair was just the thing to encourage me to try to get even *more* training in this field. ********
I'm still making curtains. We went to the fabric store on Saturday and picked out patterns for the dining room and the guest room, and then, filled with enthusiasm to actually sew, I came home and whipped up the panels for the dining room in just about two hours. After you've done seven or eight curtains they go pretty quick, in other words. The good news is that after I make the curtains for the guest room and the laundry room, I will be done with curtains for the foreseeable future, and the current plan is to get those two completed by the end of next week. I'm sure this comes as a huge relief to all of you since you're all probably getting pretty darn sick of hearing me yammer on about these curtains. Don't worry, it's a huge relief to me too. Despite what you might think, I'm starting to get just a wee bit tired of making curtains. There is only so much domesticity I can handle at one stretch. ******** The cats like having me home during the day. They follow me around and take turns camping out on my lap. If I should be so inclined as to do something that precludes the lap-sitting, I am beeped at pathetically and told in no uncertain terms that I need to sit down right now and commence with the petting. Rosemary even brought me a dragon. She's never carried them into the computer room before. I think it was a ploy though, since she has decided that Lucky Charms are the MOST wonderful snack ever and that she must have some RIGHT NOW every time I pour myself a bowl. Did she get some of my Lucky Charms for bringing me a dragon? Of course she did. Am I a big push-over for my cats? Um. Don't answer that.