09/19/01: Circling |
The dreams come sporatically, and it wasn't
until recently that I realized quite how often they were coming. I am in the passenger
seat of a car. I do not know who is driving - what is important is that I have no
control over this car. We are speeding toward an entire group of cars ahead of us who
all have suddenly slammed on our brakes, and yet we are not stopping. Lately this dream
wakes me up over and over at night, often enough to make me conscious of having it, time
and time again.
It is not a nightmare - or rather, I do not have that shaky feeling of a narrow
escape that often accompanies waking from a nightmare. But I can close my eyes even now
and relive the tension I feel when I am in the seat of that car. I can see the area very
clearly, and the cars in front of me, and my foot is slamming down on empty air in front
of me in the futile hope that somehow I will be able to stop the car through sheer force
of will.
The interview went well. I may be being falsely optimistic, but I don't know when
I've been less nervous at an interview before. The sample work I had to do as we sat
there was easy and quick. This is work I would love to do. This is a position where,
finally, I'd no longer have that continual feeling that I'm always one step behind
everyone else.
I must be patient. What other choice do I have?