September in review

I’m not sure what happened to September. It’s not that there weren’t things to write about; it’s mainly that I just never could get around to writing them. And – much like a lot of other things – what I needed to write about just kept building up and building up until it was too overwhelming to think about playing catch-up any more.

So – September. We went to the State Fair and saw a life-sized Pegasus made from dinner knives. We went to the San Francisco zoo to check out the new Africa exhibit and saw a baby giraffe playing hide and seek with an ostrich (pictures from those trips have been posted every other day or so to Cat’s Eye View for the past few weeks – go there to check them out). We also saw a lot of lemurs and hung out and watched the meerkats for a while and in general had a marvelous time.

We planned, sold tickets and decorated for, and held a dance at the church (think high school prom, but with 95% less acne or angst). There were several hundred cookies and marvelous pink punch and a perfect picture spot. There was a very heavy tank of helium and possibly over a hundred pink and black balloons. There was music and dancing and for the very first time our little group ever did something like this it turned out really well.

We did some cleaning and rearranging in the house – clearing out the guest room in preparation for turning it into a library. I finally sorted through all my craft and sewing stuff and donated huge piles of it to my older sister. We planned a trip to Seattle to visit my little sister (we’re heading up there in a few weeks). We started a new healthy eating plan (based on the new Core plan from Weight Watchers). I did a lot of knitting, including my very first felting project (a cat bed, of course) and Richard did a lot of writing.We watched a lot of HGTV.

And now it is October, and I am realizing that I just need to let September go. I may or may not get around to writing more about any of those little highlights, but I’m not going to stress about it anymore. Time to focus on the things happening now.

2 thoughts on “September in review”

  1. Oh, there was drama at the prom. Don’t even doubt it. There’s always drama. There was just a lot less of it.

    Maybe as you grow older you realize that there are things that are more important than who’s dating whom and who’s doing what. Or maybe you’re just too tired to fuss about it anymore.

  2. Oh, this is true. There was, of course, the music issue. But even for that it was fun. And every prom must have at least *some* drama. I think it’s a law.

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