Good grief – how did I forget my very own journalversary? I’ve now been at this for six years (well, technically, six years and 8 days).
Here’s the obligatory link to my very first entry, posted on January 15, 2000. I haven’t woken to green mice since I posted that entry, and my little grumpy tortie is long gone, but Azzie still purrs at me and tries to bite my nose, because despite being nearly seven years old, he remains perpetually under the impression that he is still a kitten. Some things always change, and some things always remain the same. Ah, life.
* The title of this entry taken from A.A. Milne’s poem “When I Was One”.
Playing catch-up tonight and I notice we are twins more or less. My first entry was January 15th, 2000 also.
Happy blogiversary! (This is me, resolving to keep better track of the folks I’ve been reading forever)