Everyone went out to an early lunch except me, since I brought stuff in my Mr. Bento and I’m trying to be good about what I eat these days. But they should have been back by now, and I’m getting a little worried. The people in the office next door were out on their deck and I heard them talking about riots downtown, and people getting attacked and even bit.
There’s been a few more bodies in the river, but I’m not even bothering to call the police now. The line just rings and rings anyway. I hear sirens in the distance and across the river there’s an awful lot of smoke. I’m not quite sure what’s going on, but it doesn’t look good. I’ve been checking news sites and it’s like I’m reading a plot from some cheesy horror film. Plus, I’m worried about Richard, since that weird guy in the back yard bit him. I told him he should go to the hospital but he’s got some big project due at work and says it can’t be that bad.