A little cold snap

There is a small mountain of nearly 70 boxes of wood laminate flooring panels sitting in the downstairs bathroom of our new house, which was delivered this morning, and over 800 square feet of carpet that needs to be replaced between now and the end of the week. If we’re going to make the back upstairs bedroom the library we really ought to rip up the carpeting in there before we move heavy bookshelves in, plus that room is badly in need of a fresh coat of paint. We have appointments with an electrician and a general contractor on Monday to discuss some general work we need to get started (like that pesky knob and tube wiring, oh, did I mention we have that?), and I’ve got stuff I have to go into the office to do, and Richard has a big project at work that was unexpectedly dumped on them on Wednesday that has to be finished, and all this adds up to a whole lot we really need (or want) to get done before the moving van shows up on Thursday…..

…..so now would be the perfect time for me to come down sick with a cold, wouldn’t it. Why yes it apparently would!

Class ended a little early on Friday, and I helped that along by finishing all my labs during lunchtime, precisely so I could zip out of there as soon as possible and catch an earlier train home. The trip home was uneventful and Richard picked me up in Davis and we went home and I whipped together a sort of Shepherd’s Pie concoction for dinner, which turned out quite yummy (after three days away from home I was more than ready for any food that I didn’t have to order from a menu), and things were looking like they were getting back to normal, until my throat started hurting. By the time I got up this morning my throat was on fire; by this afternoon my nose was running like crazy, and the rawness in my throat was making me cough. Luckily we had some cold medication at home, which tided me over until we could pick up another box.

I cannot help but laugh at the irony of this (even while crossing my fingers that this stupid cold will clear up very soon); getting sick at a time when I need my full strength more than ever, but I am at least grateful that if one of us had to get sick, it was me. This may settle in my sinuses, and even if it is just a little summer cold, it’s going to be annoying to work around, but at least it isn’t Richard this time around. I can still heft boxes and lay flooring while coughing and blowing my nose. Hard to do the same when you are glued to your nebulizer and can’t breathe.

2 thoughts on “A little cold snap”

  1. First of all: Congratulations to the new house. Hope you sell the old one quickly. And would you mind posting a bit more about how you’re installing the laminate (unless having a cold is absolutely required for the process) because that’s what TBIK and I are currently thinking about, too? That would be grand.

    Get well soon. And post more pictures of the new house!

  2. Good luck on the move. Ick, I hate packing with a passion.
    BTW, your comments feature on the knitting blog page seems to be on drugs, at least for my computer. I get a “forbidden” message when I try to comment.

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