So yesterday was not completely all about the Brain Monster hat. I’d set up the crockpot Saturday night with a batch of pumpkin butter and then just let it simmer all night. Sunday morning I felt like baking something for breakfast, and since there was just enough pumpkin left over in the fridge, I decided to use it up by making a batch of Pumpkin Cornmeal waffles. We had those for breakfast with a generous slathering of the pumpkin butter, and then I filled ten half-pint jars with what was left. If I can work in a batch of Apple Date Butter in the next few weeks, we’ll be set for scone and waffle topping for the next year.
Alas, the weekend is over now, and even Daylight Savings (finally!) can’t magically add more hours to the work days, even though it is definitely nicer to not have to get ready for work in the dark anymore. So it’s back to the usual – work during the day and, since it’s Monday, rehearsal tonight. The music we’re doing for our Christmas concert isn’t necessarily easier than what we’ve done in concerts past; it just tends to have these fiddly little bits that are catching a lot of us off guard from time to time. And when I got home, there were new episodes of Heroes and Journeyman to watch, both seriously awesome, especially Heroes, since not only did they actually wrap up several story lines (the writers of Lost could maybe take some notes here), they also confirmed a number of my speculations about plot and character.
Posted for NaBloPoMo.