Patience is not my virtue

There is this recurring daydream I have been having lately. In it, Richard and I run off for a lovely trip somewhere. The location really doesn’t matter because it’s not the destination, it’s the fact that when we come back home, everything in the house is done. Someone else made all the decisions about what type of wood to use for built in shelving, and what sort of curtains would look best in each room, and where all the random stuff could be put away. Someone else went through all the miscellaneous furniture and stuff and figured out what should be donated and what can still work in this new space, and someone else finished off the baseboards around the doors downstairs, and designed the new kitchen and landscaped the front and back yards.

Ah well. Back to reality. I’ve been having a little email chat with my dad and my brother-in-law regarding the wood for that built-in shelving, and I swear I am this close to just tossing my hands up and insisting we just go with painted instead of stained, because it would be so much easier. There is a huge stack of books on kitchen design from the library, sitting by my chair at the dining room table, and more are on their way. And I am doing my best to just ignore the boxes that still wait to be unpacked, and the stack of stuff needing to be donated that’s taking up half the front hall. It will all be dealt with eventually. Some day.

Posted for NaBloPoMo.

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