
It occurred to me, a few months ago, that I only possess one pair of glasses. And frankly, considering Murphy’s law, and my own special brand of clumsiness, the fact that I have so far had nothing more disastrous happen to them than a broken nose pad, I was getting dangerously overdue for some kind of horrible glasses-related catastrophe. So the next time I had to get my glasses repaired (one of the lenses started popping out – no idea why) I had them check to see if I was due for a check-up and oops, apparently it’s been more than two years. And as long as I *have* all this lovely vision insurance, I really ought to be taking advantage of it.

I had my check-up last week, and my prescription is exactly the same as it was the last time I did this, so the whole ‘do this to get a back-up pair of glasses’ plan worked out nicely in my favor. I picked up the new pair this afternoon, and can now breathe a sigh of relief. Simply *having* an extra pair to fall back on means that this new pair will never, ever break. Now all I have to do is somehow avoid having my vision ever change again (do not speak to me of inevitable age-related presbyopia, I am not listening LA LA LA LA LA).

Nanowrimo update: Went to a write-in, drank Mexican hot chocolate, churned out a few thousand words. Still about 1000 behind where I really ought to be at this point in the month, and am starting to feel like writing this thing is kind of the same as slogging uphill through several feet of mud. However, according to all the cheerful pep-talk-emails the main Nanowrimo organization keeps sending out, this is perfectly normal for the second week of the project, and if I just keep at it, this, too, shall pass.