Aside from the haircuts and the making of soup, yesterday I pretty much spent the whole day knitting. This morning, I did the same thing. Richard braved the wet and the cold to get bagels for breakfast, and he camped out in the office and did some writing while I hung out in the living room with my yarn and some cats. I even knit in the car on the way down to his parents’ house for the annual decking of the tree, because I really wanted to be further along than I currently am, so I was willing to brave potential queasiness just to get more work done. Luckily my sinuses are currently taking a brief hiatus from their ongoing quest to kill me, so that was two more hours of prime knitting that I might otherwise have missed out on.
Richard’s mom’s been directing a play, so while they she and the youngest sister were out, his dad assembled and put up the tree. They didn’t get home until after we and Richard’s other sister (my almost-twin) showed up, but we got a chance to sit around and chat and annoy the cat and laugh at the antics of the dogs in the meantime.
We decorated the tree, somehow managing to get every single ornament on there, but by the time we were done it had developed a rather precarious looking list toward the center of the living room, so there were talks of securing it with fishing line later, after we’d all gone home. The oldest sister had brought dinner – chicken stroganoff – and we’d brought salad fixings, and later there was also pie.
The drive home was in the dark, so no more car-knitting for me, alas. We played Very Scary Solstice and Jonathan Coulton songs and sang along, both there and back. We came home to styrofoam peanuts all over the dining room floor (guess what the kittens have been into) and needy cats, and I came home to find to find this posted. I’m still working on my own interview, as November was hectic for me, and December has been hectic for my interviewee, but it was fun to do this half of the project, so it was nice to see it online.
‘Tis the season for Holidailies