
I suppose I ought to apologize for the previous post, but hey, consider the date it was written. I figure after ten years of blogging, I’m entitled to do one single April Fool’s joke. Plus I finally got a chance to do a Rick-roll, so I’m calling this one a win all around.

Things that have happened in the last few months that I never got around to talking about here:

  • We went to a Jonathon Coulton concert in San Francisco, as our belated joint Christmas present, back in January. It was awesome. Last year when we went, I had only heard a few of his songs, and I’d bought the tickets for Richard because I knew he was a huge fan. This year I’m just as much of a fan (there’s a CD of his music in my car and I’ve got pretty much all of those songs memorized now and have been known play it at top volume, singing along at the top of my lungs, when I am alone in the car). Plus, after last year, when we ended up in a horrid spot in the balcony, our view mostly obstructed by a large pole, this time we splurged and bought the dinner seats. Frankly, neither of us cared about the dinner – the main reason for getting those was so that we could have a seat near the front. We ended up snagging a little table in the very front, and sharing it later on with a rather nice (but slightly toasted) older couple, neither of whom had ever heard either Paul & Storm, or Jonathon Coulton before (they loved them both). Possibly someone at the table at which we sat got called out by Jonathon Coulton during the concert for making a sound that he thought was an actual squee (it wasn’t, but I didn’t bother trying to correct him). Possibly that someone was me. We stayed in the same hotel as last time and went to the zoo the next day and saw lemurs and otters and penguins and other critters and I think I could be quite happy if we somehow were able to make this a post-Christmas tradition.
  • I had a pattern published. Back when I first decided to try my hand at designing, I set myself a goal of getting at least one pattern published per year. So far (three years into my forays into designing), I’ve managed to meet that goal. Maybe at some point I will go a little crazy and raise the bar to two, but…eh…why mess with success. Anyway, it was a nice and slightly giddy way to kick off the year. And while I’m never going to make a living at designing knitwear, it so far has brought in enough extra pocket change that when our contracts came due, we were able to get
  • Droids! Richard and I are now the proud nerdly owners of a pair of shiny Droid phones and they are everything we imagined they would be. Verizon was running this buy-one-get-one-free special in March, and we had a credit anyway for re-upping to another two-year contract (and since we’ve been perfectly happy with Verizon’s service for the past four years, and also, um, hello, DROIDS!), so we happened to be driving past a Verizon store and didn’t walk out until we had them. I know, I know, it wasn’t so long ago that I didn’t want anything to do with cell phones, period, and then it wasn’t so long ago that all I wanted was a phone that just made calls and why did I need it to do stuff like take pictures, but….this was before I got my Droid, and you will now have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands. I really do like living in the future.