Note to self. Next time one has two concerts in which to perform, two nights in a row, it may not be such a great idea to stay up til 2am the morning in between. Even if you do happen to be so wired you cannot sleep, and instead decide to work your way through two discs of season 2 of Veronica Mars.
Anyway. The Vox Musica concert. After our rousing success with the first concert of the season, where we were literally turning people away at the door because we had no more room (and the people who own the building were fairly vibrating with anxiety about fire codes and numbers of people inside), the director decided to see how we’d do with two concerts for our next set. It being the Christmas season, we knew we would have a pretty good chance of getting a good showing at two seatings, so it was a good time to gamble on two versus one. I don’t think any of us were expecting, however, the frantic emails from the woman who’s been tracking ticket sales, telling us that by the beginning of this past week, we only had a handful of tickets left for each concert, and we weren’t to be promising tickets to anyone else. So much for ‘just a good showing’ – heh.
Last night’s concert went quite well. There were some tiny glitches, but I suspect they were the sort that only the director and the singers really noticed. We had our CD’s on sale, and it looks like they were selling pretty briskly. The director gave us all an advance copy at the dress rehearsal on Friday night, and I’ve been playing it in my car every time we’ve been out driving, and it’s really weird to listen to the music and realize that those extra-low notes blending into the music on this professionally produced CD are from my own voice.
Happy Holidailies!