Thursday morning – that would be the same day I lugged Sebastian into the vet, in case you’re keeping score – I saw Rosemary in the litter box and it looked like she was straining, followed by what looked like a little blood in what came out. Thursday night, a repeat performance, and Friday each time she went to the litter box she would strain and strain and nothing would happen.
Friday at work after finally managing to get everyone involved in this presentation that *must* be done by next week on the phone together, my boss decided the best way to finish this is to have us all in the same place. Hence, I now have tickets to Los Angeles, to spend all of Monday and possibly Tuesday at the office in Santa Monica. With that looming over my head, I knew that there was no way I’d be able to get Rosie in to the vet until the end of next week – and if this is a urinary tract infection, we really didn’t want to wait that long. So this afternoon, on the way back from Apple Hill (because it was time for our yearly dose of the best caramel apples ever), Richard called the vet to see if we could squeeze her in. They very nicely agreed to give it a try, so we dashed home, tossed her in a carrier (where she expressed her displeasure most pathetically), and the verdict is that tomorrow we will have to figure out some way to collect a urine sample so Richard can take that in on Monday to have it checked so we can figure out just what it is. Oh, and best of all, in the meantime she gets a pill once a day. Have I mentioned before how much Rosie *hates* being medicated (or how next-to-impossible it is to medicate her as a result)?
So if you’re keeping score at home in the game of How High is the Vet Bill Today, so far in the past three months we’ve had to have teeth cleaned and extracted, hyperthyroid treatment in the form of blood tests, pills, creams, and radioactive iodine, tests and treatment for a strange growth on the head, and now a possible urinary tract infection, all spread out between three of the cats. I have been eying the other four cats warily and am doing my best to convey to them the utmost importance of remaining healthy, by golly, because otherwise Richard and I are going to look in our stockings on Christmas morning, and instead of candy and presents, there will be rolls of vet bills, which are certainly not any sort of happy gift, no matter how festively one might tie them up with big velvet bows.
Yeah riiight, and vets bills are not eatable nor wearable either.
To everyone’s good health !
You know, it always happens in one big swoop like that. One animal will get sick and the rest of them have to follow suit. I think they get jealous of the extra attention that one sick one gets. Over the course of a month, we had three dogs with abscesses, and one cat with an abscess and cellulitis. We had more Keflex on hand than a pharmacy. Loads of fun. At least Keflex is cheap.
I joined the NaNoWriMo bandwagon. I’m writing dialog and checking word counts. Whee!
Exactly. Except, how do I let them all know that this really isn’t necessary – and if they really feel the need for such attention I’ll gladly feed them extra treats and buy them more toys. Because food and toys are sooo much cheaper than ultrasounds and radioactive iodine and urinalysis tests.
Yay for joining Nanowrimo! It really is a lot of fun – just don’t let it stress you. If you do it, cool, if not, hey, you’re further along on whatever story you’re working on than you were before, and that has to be a good thing, right?
I’ve got a cat actively dying now. He doesn’t seem in pain so I don’t plan to have the vet help him along (for $50,) The last cat to bite the dust (the one who went into convulsions when I was away) was inconsiderate enough to do this just a month after I paid for a tooth cleaning and an extraction. I THINK the remaining two are in good health–at least for the moment. They are 15 1/2 and 14. (One begins to get numb–Bo will be the third one this year.)
Oh gosh, Sue, I’m sorry to hear about your cats. I look at my two oldest (the hyperthyroid and the not-a-tumor-after-all) and try to prepare myself for when it isn’t something so easily fixed. Best wishes that your others stay well.
hope your kitty is doing better! i am usually a nervous wreck when i find out one of the babies are sick… and why do they always wait until the weekend?