Mostly guilt free

I am beginning to realize that making a mileage goal for the year may not have been the best idea. This is because every time we decide to do something besides ride our bikes, especially when the weather is as perfect and wind-free as it was today, I feel guilty. I should not have to feel guilty about taking a break from exercise, darn it. I go to the gym three days a week and heave weights around and spend time on the recumbent bike, for which my thighs may never forgive me. I also go splash around in a cold pool one day a week and do endless eggbeaters, another thing for which my thighs (and my knees) may never forgive me. Okay, so it’s not miles on the bike, but still, it has to count for *something*, right?

But anyway, enough about the guilt. Today was one of those perfectly lovely and lazy days – too nice to feel any guilt over. We slept in a little and then we headed in to Davis for waffles, and then we decided to meander around town for a little while since it was so lovely out. We walked over to the bank, and did a quick brose of the gaming/comics store (for Richard, because he is, after all, the bigger nerd of the pair of us), and wandered around the Farmer’s Market, buying the largest satsumas I have ever seen, and a wedge of some kind of cheese, and a bunch of baby carrots that looked as if they had just been pulled straight from the ground. After that we went home to do vaguely productive things like homework (for Richard) and sewing the sleeve seams together for the sweater I’m knitting (for me). I am actually rather excited by this because the sweater is at the point now where I can start putting all the pieces together and finally finish it. Of course the weather will be too warm for me to wear it when it’s done, but there is always next year.

Then, because Richard was getting antsy to get out of the house and because I was willing to tag along, we returned to Davis. We spent a few hours at Borders sipping coffee and smoothies and eating dry and tasteless scones. While at Borders I started knitting my next project, but it turns out I will need smaller needles so I ended up ripping the whole thing out. Why I did not think to swing by the wool store and buy those smaller needles while we were in town I do not know, but if nothing else, I spent some time sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the shelves flipping through books of knitting patterns. I am very proud of the fact that I only ended up buying one, even though I was so very tempted by about half a dozen more.

We went for Indian food for dinner because it has been far too long since we had salmon tandoori with extra onions and naan. Plus there was the added incentive that our favorite restaurant had finally reopened after what was apparently a very long remodel. We sat in the restaurant and looked around and tried to figure out what had been changed, but finally had to give up and ask (it was a remodel of the kitchen).

The salmon tandoori was just as delicious as we remembered it to be, and the naan just as marvelous. Normally we follow the meal with chai but last night we wanted to get home in time to watch Kingdom Hospital, since it was usurped from its usual time this past week by a stupid basketball game. I am trying very hard to like this show since, after all, it is by Stephen King. But it is moving at slightly less than glacial speed developing any sort of plot, to the point where I am beginning to think that I could probably skip every other episode and not fall a bit behind in what’s going on. I’m a little apprehensive because I remember King’s latest miniseries (Rose Red) with no small amount of sadness for its cheesy badness. However, I am not willing to give up on Kingdom yet, if only because I find the entire premise of a fanged anteater amusing, and also because it is, as I mentioned earlier, by Stephen King and so I must cling to the hope that somewhere along the way it will all turn out okay.

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