
Now that it’s May, that means things have kicked into high gear with the church choir. Back when our choir director first came on board, he started a yearly tradition of having a spring concert, and this year’s is tomorrow. Usually by now we are all very tense and tired and dreading the whole ordeal.

This year, however, has been refreshingly different. Thursday night at rehearsal we ran through the entire concert – something we usually don’t get a chance to do until the day of. This morning we all went to the church to do a more thorough walk through, so we would all know when and where to stand, when to enter and exit, and so on. Again – this is something we’ve not normally been able to do until the day of. And the difference has been amazing. Even though we’re singing more songs than we’ve done in the past, and some of those songs are more difficult than stuff we’ve attempted before, there isn’t that feeling of being rushed and tense and overwhelmed. Such a nice change! Heck, there was even laughing and joking, and the choir director provided all of us with lunch after the little rehearsal and I think we all left feeling actually excited about singing tomorrow night.

Richard and I were supposed to head down to see his little sister perform in a Gaslighter melodrama today, but this afternoon’s performances were postponed. So instead we decided to just take advantage of the lovely weather and the unexpected time off. I stayed home and kept my stupid toe elevated while Richard decided to take his bike for a spin (I feel a little guilty about the fact that it’s probably been at least a year since either of us rode those things).

The cats are scattered all over the house, and the windows are open to take advantage of the breezes. This evening we’ll head over to my parents’ house for dinner and a movie. The Sunday school class is discussing Dogma for the next few weeks, and it’s been a while since we’ve seen it, so we’ll be bringing that with us so they can see it too.