
I woke up this morning to the distinct realization that there was a Crisis going on. This was because both Sebastian and Rosemary were busily pacing back and forth across our pillows, purring as loudly as they could and sometimes yelling. I was more than a little annoyed because at the time it was barely past when I usually get up to feed them their breakfast, and it’s not like they were starving, what with two full bowls of kibble available to them. But then as I staggered out of bed and passed by their food dishes I realized that in fact, a Crisis had occurred. The bottoms of both food bowls were visible and there was barely any kibble to be seen. Oh, the horror.

This eventually led to the discovery that we were also practically out of their food, so while Richard headed off to go to a writer’s group brunch, I headed off to the vet to buy them a new bag of food. And then while I was in the area I did a little bit of Christmas stocking stuffer shopping, and proceeded on to Vacaville to go to CostCo and stock up on giant bags of rice and cereal for the church and work food drives.

My parents spent last week in Williamsburg, Virginia, so I met them for lunch and my dad brought along his laptop so I could see all the pictures. It sounds like they had a marvelous time, and I am even more certain that this is someplace Richard and I need to go, one of these years. Then it was off to the theater to purchase tickets for the Narnia film, since I was the only one of the group of us going who had the free time to get there beforehand so we could avoid any lines or crowds. I did this as well because I know that if one is prepared and gets tickets in advance and arranges to meet with plenty of time before the film, this will guarentee there are no lines or crowds at all, and of course I was right.

The movie is amazingly well done. I haven’t read the Narnia series in far too many years (in fact, now that I think about it, I likely have not read them since junior high), and I deliberately did not read the books again before going to the movie because I did not want to be distracted by making silly comparisons. But from what I remember (and from what others in our group remember of the books) they managed to remain quite faithful to the story. The four actors who played the children were perfect for the part, especially the little girl who plays Lucy, the CGI was moderately well done (it was a bit jerky in places, but nothing so bad as to be unforgivable) and the woman who played the witch managed to portray cold and evil brilliantly.

After the movie we swung by a friend’s house to meet her new little kitten – a fuzzy little calico with an adorable patchwork face, who thought that hair was a prefectly acceptable toy, and that her own tail was edible. And then we came back home and spent a small amount of time sorting through the box of Godiva chocolates I got last night, using the handy cheat sheet to figure out what each piece was, and we each had two pieces of chocolate for dinner, just because we could, and sometimes that is the best part about being an adult.

Happy Holidailies

One thought on “Treats”

  1. Williamsburg holds a special place in our hearts. It’s where we used to go “for Valentine’s Day” every year when we lived in D.C.

    We’d drive down for a long weekend, hole up in a swanky hotel and wander the town, either on tours or not, and enjoy a heck of a lot of very good food.

    I’m looking forward to being able to take the kids there some year, not too long from now.

    I think you guys would definitely enjoy it if you decide to go.

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