This afternoon I got into the car to go to Curves. As I pulled out of the parking lot, I glanced briefly to my left, and amazed even myself with the sheer girlyness of my shriek. I think only the fact that there were no cars coming saved me from the inevitable accident as I swerved all over the road in response to the sight of the hugest wolf spider I’d ever seen sitting on my window. It took a few heart-pounding moments to determine that the spider was on the *outside* of the window, and not inside the car. And then I spent the rest of the ride eying the spider nervously as it scuttled all over the window.
The logical part of my brain knows that wolf spiders are perfectly harmless. But the fact that they are large and hairy, much like tarantulas, and that they have a tendency to rear up and shake their front legs in a menacing manner when cornered overruled all logic. I had pretty much resigned myself to getting out on the passenger side of the car in order to avoid any way for the spider to get into the car once I opened the door, when suddenly the trip was too much for it and it blew away, tumbling through the air out of sight.
Once it was gone and no longer could scare the pants off me, I felt a little guilty for the fact that it was probably now road kill. But that didn’t make up for those moments of sheer panic when I saw it face to face
Almost as bad as a wasp inside the vehicle huh?
btw sorry about the addition to my email, those spiders grab off these little boxes to, and I just closed my yahoo cause I couldn’t take the spam any more.
Good lord I think I would have peed myself! I am so petrified of creepy crawlies! Especially the big hairy ones! :^o
If it had been a daddy long-leg spider, I probably would not have freaked out, but when the body-to-leg ratio starts climbing rapidly, like with wolf spiders…..shudder. I can’t do any bug large enough to go ‘crunch’ when you step on it. I immediately turn into a squeamish little girl and scream for someone to come kill it.
I make that sound in the back of my throat, that ‘ughgahugheeepughgah’ sound that humans only make when put in situations of life and death. Spiders do that to me. *shiver*
At least it was on the outside. My brother left a back window open in my car one night and as I was driving to work the next day I “felt” something on my leg. A huge cane spider was crawling up it. I swerved off the road and jumped screaming from the car..and the dang thing stayed inside. I finally got up enough courage to smack a cup over the top of it and get it out….scared the living daylights out of me….
Okay, if that wolf spider had been inside the car, there is no doubt I’d have swerved right off the road into something, and jumped out screaming like a little girl. Oh, just *imagining* Melissa’s spider encounter makes me shudder!