We got our tree tonight. I dashed home from work as quick as I could and met Richard at the local tree farm, where we usually grab a long-handled saw and hike all the way to the back of the farm to the tiny little patches where the tree varieties we prefer are grown. But while waiting for Richard to arrive (since he got stuck behind a very long train), I noticed they had two trees near the front entrance, with a sign saying ‘will hang ornaments for good home’ and an extremely reduced price. And try as I might, I could not find anything wrong with them. In fact, they were both exactly the sort of tree we would normally pick. So when he finally made it to the farm, we got someone to untie one of the trees and we checked it out, and just like that, it was ours. Turns out someone bought it, took it home, decorated it, and then found out that the wife was horribly allergic to it. So they brought it back (all in the space of today) and the tree farm put a perfectly lovely ten footer on sale for the insane price of $15, and they were more than willing to hack off the bottom few feet (since we only have eight foot ceilings), and then we stuffed it (literally) into Richard’s car, and off we went back home. Fastest Christmas tree hunt ever.
We set up the tree in its stand, which I then filled to the brim with water, and we ate pizza while watching Friday’s episode of Battlestar Galactica (have I mentioned recently how very much I *love* having a DVR?), and then we dragged all the Christmas decorations down from the attic and Richard put on some holiday music that included bagpipes and songs from the Very Scary Solstice CD, and we commenced with the decorating.
A number of years ago we bought a gold wire star for the top of our tree, but we have never once been able to use it. It is too big and too heavy for most of our trees, and it never quite shows up against the white walls, and it just hasn’t worked out. So normally we either go (tree) topless or we throw on the green elf hat and call it festive. But this year the elf hat didn’t quite work for me, which was all for the best anyway, because when an Elder God wants to sit on top of your tree, why, you have no choice but to let him.
As you can see, our Christmas tree has been blessed with a very special visitor this year (normally he’s a little shy and tends to lurk on top of the grandmother clock in the dining room).
Here is a closer look at our rather unconventional tree topper. Richard grouped all the little gold reindeer ornaments around him….or rather, what I *meant* to say is that he is surrounded by his team of degenerate servitor caribou, blowing his sparkly gold horn of cheer.
After all, nothing says holiday spirit quite like a tentacled Elder God perched on your tree.
Tis the season for Holidailies