Making (something other than) lemonade

Let’s say that you are not much of a lemon fan. You don’t mind it in marinades and when it adds just a touch of flavoring to a sauce, but lemon pie, lemon cake, lemonade, all those things are just foul and wrong to your taste buds, and since you realize this, you decide to never plant a lemon tree in your backyard, because that would be silly.

Then, let’s say, just for kicks, that you move. And the house you move into has a cute little lemon tree.


A very *prolific* lemon tree, at that.

So what do you do with a whole pile of lemons, when you are not a fan of lemon flavor?

You make lemon curd.

Squeeze enough lemons to get about half a cup of juice (in my case, this took five lemons – hooray for using up 5 whole lemons!). In a medium saucepan, stir together the juice, 1/2 cup butter, 3/4 cup sugar, and 2 eggs. Cook over medium heat for 15 – 20 minutes, stirring enough to keep it smooth (I just stirred it the entire time). It will begin to thicken as it cooks.

Remove from heat. Let cool. Offer taste to husband, whose response is “ooh, can I have a whole bowl of that?” Serve on top of anything you can think of. Try to convince wacky brain that just because they make kitchen cleanser smell like lemon, does not mean that lemon curd is made of kitchen cleanser.



Happy Holidailies!

One thought on “Making (something other than) lemonade”

  1. Heh, funny. Last night one of the girls on my volunteer shift was due to bring drinks, and SHE has a lemon tree in her yard, and attempted to make some kind of overly citrus juice with it. Uh…we couldn’t drink it.
    Though to be fair, the recipe she was following was supposed to have booze in it, and maybe that would have uh, saved the situation.

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