Finding a groove

I already had today off – in fact, faced with a vacation balance that’s getting too high, I’ve taken the whole week off – but Richard took today off as well. It was a good thing, since we both knew we’d likely be tired and sleep deprived from the night before.

So today we’ve focused on having a quiet and slowish sort of day. He made a quick grocery store run while I stayed home and peeled and cored and chopped another small pile of apples and stuffed them into the crockpot to turn into more apple butter. One of our fellow Nanowrimoers gave me a recipe for apple walnut cake, since he knew I was looking for ways to use up lots of apples (note to self – next year, do not buy two huge cases of apples at one time), so I made a half batch of that. We had spaghetti and homemade meatballs for lunch, and then ate slices of the apple cake and oh wow is it good. That recipe’s definitely a keeper.

I didn’t do any writing while at home, but I did manage to get some work done when we packed up our laptops and headed off to Coffee Works (the new-to-us place) again for a few hours of writing time. I’m not sure why it never occurred to us to check this place out before, since it’s not that far away, but I’m glad we found it now. Lots of seating, plenty of electric outlets, and they make a wonderful hazelnut hot chocolate.

Nanowrimo update: Despite feeling kind of sluggish and unmotivated due to residual donut/pizza/caffeine hangover from last night, I still managed to keep myself on track – 39,165 words. Just a little over 10,000 more to go.