Whisk, mix, repeat

Today I did exactly two things of note (poking the cats and getting dressed really do not count here).

1) I wrote – for a few hours during the morning at a local coffee shop, just me and my laptop and a large hazelnut hot chocolate, and then this evening, once Richard and I had eaten dinner and the bread came out of the oven, at a second coffee shop, this time with some decaf because I need to start cutting back on the caffeine soon.

2) I baked. My mom-in-law asked if I’d bring dessert for Thanksgiving this year, so this afternoon I headed off to the grocery store and braved the pre-Thanksgiving crowds to stock up on cans of pumpkin and evaporated milk and whipped cream. I made a pumpkin pie (My very first ever, actually, because to be honest I do not actually *like* pumpkin pie – it is the kind of thing that you would think should be good, except that it is squishy and *wrong*. Yes, I know, like you all needed any more reasons why it is that I am odd) and I followed the directions in the recipe very carefully, so it at least looks like it turned out just fine. I guess I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see how it tastes. I also made pumpkin bread, because my older sister mentioned baking it on Facebook and I was suddenly struck with a burning need to go do exactly the same.

Nanowrimo update: I feel like, now that this thing is actually wrapping up, I am finally seeing some direction in my novel. Nice to see that it only took me 40,000+ words to finally figure out that little thing called a plot. Anyway, with the two bouts of writing, I now have just slightly under 2500 words left to go.