Raising voices

This being December, that means it’s concert season for those of us in musical groups. Last year the group in which I sing was invited to perform our winter concert in Moaning Caverns, which was a feat of planning and coordination since that meant we had to figure out how to schlep an electric piano 16 stories down into the space.

It was extremely successful, so this year they had us come back, for two nights in a row. That actually happened last weekend, although since the coordinator wanted to shrink the number of singers, two of us didn’t go (and instead she and I went out for dinner and a show last weekend). Tonight was concert #3 of the set, which instead of being in a cave 16 stories underground, was set in a more traditional location – an Episcopal cathedral.

I didn’t get much knitting done today as a result, but that’s okay; I’m making good progress.

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This one fills me with so many questions. Obviously this is a very poor family – you can see the silhouette of a woman holding a baby through the window, the guy is missing some teeth, and they’re living in a rundown trailer, and using a portapotty. But the guy has such an Evil Villain look on his face, so is he stealing the ticket? Was it supposed to be for the woman holding the baby? Did the elves screw up, yet again?

‘Tis the season for Holidailies.

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