A thing I am doing this month, because I feel like it

I am a knitter. As such, I have a yarn stash. I have, over the past few years, been making an attempt to whittle that down a bit, although I freely admit there has been some stash acquisition here and there, but for the most part, things are going in the right direction.

I have a bin of cotton yarn that has been staring at me every time I go into the stash closet, so I have finally decided to deal with it. Today kicks off the first of an entire month of me knitting 1 dishcloth a day. 28 dishcloths may not use up all the kitchen cotton in the stash, but it should make a sizable dent.

Because this is my own personal challenge, I get to set all the rules. I might use the same pattern more than once (although I’m going to try to do a different one for every day). I might knit more than one a day and use those extras to cover the days where there simply isn’t any knitting time at all. I might decide to make scrubbies or dish towels or some other vaguely dishcloth-related item, depending on how I feel and how sick I am of making dishcloths by that point. We shall see.

So here’s the very first dishcloth of the month. The pattern is the Double Bump Dishcloth, available for download via Ravelry. I have no idea what brand the yarn is, as I lost the ball band years ago (and there’s a lot of this particular color in my stash so this won’t be the only teal dishcloth you’ll see this month.


This was a pretty easy knit – it’s a 4-row pattern that didn’t take much of any thought or concentration. We watched the the Puppy Bowl 2015 highlights on my computer while I knit this.

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