
Last night I made ice cream. Or rather, I *tried* to make ice cream. The ice cream maker base was thoroughly frozen, and all my ingredients (cream, milk, sugar, juice of six lemons) were thoroughly chilled, but it just churned and churned and never changed. So I poured it into a container and put that in the freezer and hoped for the best.

Today I made lemon pizelles. Or rather, I *tried* to make lemon pizelles. The cookies themselves turned out just fine, it’s just that there is no lemon flavor at all. They don’t even smell like lemon.

Luckily, the ice cream firmed up in the freezer, into something incredibly rich and delicious, and plain vanilla pizelles were the perfect accompaniment.

Lemons used: 6
Total lemons this month: 51

Making a lemon thing a day for Thingadailies.

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