But wait, there’s more!

So how’s that Cheese Advent calendar going? Why, thank you for asking! It’s great so far!

Yesterday’s cheese was a lovely Applewood with a smokey undertone.

and today’s is a Red Leicester, with a nice sharp flavor.

I know there’s some kind of swiss coming, which I’m not looking forward to, but the first three have been quite tasty.

But wait, you say. The title suggests something else!

Why yes! Yes it does! I didn’t notice when opening the first two doors, but I finally caught sight of it opening today’s. Each little compartment comes not only with a tasty little round of cheese, but printed on the back of the little door is a joke about cheese.

Yes, folks, that’s right. It’s cheese, with a side of cheese!

Here’s the first three days, just so you can share in the joy. Put your best guess for the punchlines in the comments.

Day 1: What cheese would you use to coax a bear from the woods?
Day 2: What do you call cheese that doesn’t belong to you?
Day 3: Where can you buy second-hand cheese?

‘Tis the season for Holidailies.

  • This is vaguely surreal because I’m from the UK and so these are my normal, every day cheeses. I love Applewood, it is especially yummy with pickle (Branston’s not pickled cucumbers).

    Also, Theresa’s guesses are all what I’d say, so ditto!

  • Well, they’re not uncommon cheeses here, but no one in the US makes an advent calendar full of cheese (usually they are full of sub par chocolate).

    The answer to the third joke is Brie-bay, but you got the other two right!

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