The end of the orange

I had vague plans for other citrus recipes this month – there is a piece of ginger root sitting on the counter that was going to be turned into lemon ginger tea, for example, and I toyed briefly with a recipe for creme caramel – but for the last thing of Thingadailies, I looked in the refrigerator, found the container of orange juice and the tiny amount of zest that still remained from the massive pile of mandarins we started with, and decided to end the month with more scones.

Unlike the scones I made earlier in the month, these Orange Yogurt Scones do not include any lemon juice or lemon zest – just orange. There’s a little orange juice in the dough itself, but otherwise the bulk of the moisture is provided by yogurt. The main orange flavor comes a glaze of orange juice and powdered sugar that is drizzled on top after they come out of the oven.

The recipe itself is written to be used with a scone pan, which means the dough is a little too wet to free-form them like I’m used to. But a little additional flour kneaded in brought it together enough to form a loose ball.

They’re not the prettiest scones I’ve ever made (but then let’s face it, I rarely make pretty scones anyway), but they have a delicate crumb, and a lovely orange flavor, and they made an excellent way to end Thingadailies for another year.

Making a thing a day for Thingadailies.

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