Still Life, With Cats

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Do you know what is even more fun than picking up 500+ stitches and knitting a whole mess of colorwork?

Discovering that you missed a crucial line in the instructions and having to rip it all out and pick up those 500+ stitches all over again, that’s what.

Fun times.


This weekend has pretty much been all about getting up early, frantically knitting (also crocheting, ugh, whose stupid idea was it to do these snowflakes again?), studiously ignoring the fact that the house is in dire need of a scrub, and Vox Musica performances. I’ve ended each day simultaneously wired from the performance, and completely exhausted. The performances were pretty amazing though – and I’m not just saying that as one of the ensemble members. Both nights were sold out, and it was awesome to feel the audience’s enthusiasm and excitement after we finished each piece.

I did manage to squeak out a snowflake for today. This was a rather hasty blocking job, shortly before I had to run out the door, so forgive any wobbly points.


Making a snowflake a day for Thingadailies.

Possibly would have been faster to walk

Yesterday I didn’t actually make a snowflake.

I had the best of intentions When I packed up my bag in preparation for our trip down to the Santa Clara Convention Center for Stitches West, I tucked the pattern book and the cotton thread in there, prepared to spend a little bit of time working on it.

But it turns out the only time we actually sat down the entire day was when we ate lunch. Otherwise we were meandering through the market, fondling yarn and pointing out really gorgeous sweaters and shawls, and trying to make decisions on what needed to come home with us.

We also had the best of intentions for when we were going to leave. There had been plans to take advantage of the 50% discount train ticket, but it turns out you had to get that 3 days in advance and the three of us procrastinated too long, so we figured, hey, we’ll just drive. And if we’d left by 3:30 to head home, I think we would have been just fine.

But alas, no. We didn’t get out of there until after 4. Three hours later we had only made it as far as Walnut Creek, at which point we gave up, pulled off at the next exit, and found somewhere to eat dinner. Even with the dinner break, there was still enough traffic that we didn’t get back to Sacramento until close to 10pm, at which point I looked blearily at the pattern for snowflake #19, and thought, nope. Ain’t going to happen today.

So…here is Friday’s snowflake, which I whipped up this morning, because it turns out it didn’t take nearly as long to make as I was expecting (although I suspect if I’d attempted it last night that wouldn’t have been the case).


And here is today’s snowflake, which took far longer than expected, considering it had two fewer rows of patterning than the one above.


Making a snowflake a day for Thingadailies.

It’s a good thing I’m easily amused

Today at work, while reviewing an 800+ page document, I came across a section that listed the type of spaces in one particular type of building. Top at the list was ‘Dying Room’.

‘That’s oddly….morbid’, I thought to myself, before it finally dawned on me that this was in reference to color, not to shuffling off this mortal coil. But the problem, of course, is that once it’s in your head, you cannot *un*think it, so every time the phrase popped up for the rest of the document I may or may not have done some inappropriate giggling.

Anyway. Snowflakes. Here is today’s snowflake, which is the most complicated one I have made so far in that there were five lines of pattern instead of the usual 3 or 4, and I was sort of holding my breath throughout most of it because I really liked the picture in the book and wanted very badly for it to come out okay.


I think I blocked the points out a bit too severely for the picture, so when I do the final blocking later, I’ll try to soften them up a bit. Otherwise, though, I’m quite pleased with this one.

Making a snowflake a day for Thingadailies.


Here is today’s snowflake. If you squint you can pretend it’s a circle of tiny little candles. Or something.


This is one where I looked at the directions and thought rather grouchily to the designer ‘Really? you’re putting that stitch *there*? You’re being deliberately difficult, aren’t you.’

The skies opened up and stormed for an hour or so while I was making this. Good thing I went and did a nice long walk at lunch or I’d have been doing a *lot* of pacing around the house to make up the 10,000 steps.

Making a snowflake a day for Thingadailies.

Storage space

We have a coffee table we got years ago from Ikea, that is basically a set of six cubbies on feet. The best part is that the little cubbies are just the right size for a stack of books, or some baskets that attempt to hide knitting / media-related clutter, or if one leaves the cubbies empty, cats.


Ingrid is the usual cubby cat. She seems to love crawling into it and then flopping upside down (although here she’s right-side up, just snoozing).

But the other night, we had a different cubby cat, which made me pretty happy to see.


Ruby’s always going to be a bit nervous, I think – you don’t really ever get over a couple years of being a scared little stray. But she’s really showing progress, coming out from under the sofas more and more; hanging out in the middle of the floor when both of us are in the room, and even standing up to Ingrid (who stares intently at her, but doesn’t seem to otherwise care about Ruby at all anymore, thankfully).

Some day it’d be nice to have both of them in the cubbies at once, but I have a feeling it’s going to be a very, very long time before we see that happen.


Snowflake #16! This one also has a teeny tiny star in the middle.


I suspect this one would look nicer if I’d bothered to pin out all the teeny tiny little nubs around the points. But we all know how *that* will end, now don’t we.

Making a snowflake a day for Thingadailies.

It’s all downhill from here

Last rehearsal tonight before the concert this coming weekend, which means things went a little long and a long day was even longer. At least this time I didn’t have to chase Sherman around outside when I got home, though, so at least there’s that.

Here is the 15th snowflake, which means we are now more than halfway through this challenge. Yay!

I like this one because it has a little star in the middle.


Making a snowflake a day for Thingadailies.


We don’t really do Valentine’s Day, primarily because neither of us can be bothered, so today has really been a mostly ordinary day. I do admit, though, that we were both highly amused by this headline that was trending on Facebook today. It seems somehow peculiarly appropriate for a day that is supposed to be all about hearts and candy and love.


Poor little octopus. Denied her true passion.


I was doing really well on the whole 10,000 steps a day challenge until it got to yesterday, when due to a combination of ‘my sinuses want to kill me’ and sheer laziness, I didn’t even crack 5000. So today I walked the long way to the bagel store in the morning, and I parked extra-far away from the yarn shop when I went to the lacy knitting guild meeting (where I knit lace and did *not* crochet snowflakes, because I have learned my lesson, oh yes), and we parked in the back lot when we went out to dinner, and then I ended up walking in place throughout most of the old episode of Face Off we watched last night (It’s our current favorite ‘doesn’t require much thought so we can watch it while doing other stuff’ show, especially since there’s a whole bunch of seasons to work through). And with all of that I finally cracked 10K again, so now I am back on track. Yay.


Technically I made lots of things today, including 7 new header images for the random images that top this blog. And yes, because some of you may wonder, every single header image is a picture I took of one of our cats (some of whom are no longer with us, alas). But I know you’re all here for the snowflakes, so here is today’s.

I suppose I could have flipped through the book to find one with hearts or something that is otherwise Valentine’s Day-ish, but I am doing these in order primarily because there are 99 of them and if I mix them up I will forget which is which and then where will we be? So here is Snowflake #14, which is completely free of hearts or anything else that looks like love. I don’t like the awkward jog where the ends meet, but otherwise it’s passable.


Making a snowflake a day for Thingadailies.


Last summer at some point I found some kind of vague schedule for when you’re supposed to be trimming and pruning certain things in your garden. Technically, January was when I was supposed to hack back the grape vine, and February is when I am supposed to be pruning the citrus. I have no idea if this is correct or not, but I figured I might as well go with it. And hey, considering that so far the grapevine has thrived on complete and utter neglect, giving it a bit of a chop couldn’t do much to hurt it.

So I went out and cut away a couple big patches of the vine, as well as cutting down some of the stupid pecan tree saplings that have been sprouting up amid the giant tangle that happens when you leave a grapevine untended for 3+ years (there is a pecan tree in the neighborhood, and the squirrels diligently bury the nuts all over the place, such that I am forever having to yank up tiny little pecan trees from everything. Years from now, when the zombie apocalypse is over and the neighborhood is deserted, it will morph into a healthy pecan orchard, and this is why). I also took a whack at the two citrus trees in the front yard. I have been hesitant to do much with them because they’re small yet, and while any plant in our yard must be hardy enough to survive benign neglect, these things definitely needed some help. They now look more like trees and less like unsightly bushes, so here’s hoping I didn’t completely kill them in the process.

Anyway. Here is today’s snowflake.


When I started working on it, I was struck right away by the fact that, unlike every other snowflake pattern in the book so far, this one did *not* start with me chaining 6 stitches and joining them into a circle. At first I thought perhaps this was an error, but then I read the next row and it didn’t make sense if there was supposed to be a circle to begin things with, and I reminded myself that this book has been out a long time, so I took a deep breath and just plunged right in, and eventually it sort of started to make sense.

I am my own weathervane

I spent most of today feeling vaguely queasy and doing my best to keep a headache at bay by throwing ibuprofin at it every few hours. I did go for a couple short walks, thinking maybe if I got up and moved around things might improve, but of course they didn’t. The weather was rather nice outside though – warm for this time of year, and sunny, and it wasn’t until this evening that it finally dawned on me that the issue was, as usual, my sinuses. Any time the barometer decides to do a big change, my sinuses respond by throwing a massive tantrum. So much fun Ah well.

Yesterday’s snowflake turned out much better than the day before’s, primarily because I did it at home, all by myself.


I rather like this one because of the non-pointy ‘points’. It feels as if, were I to remove the pins, it would just roll merrily away. The roll would be a bit wobbly, of course, because I am still working on keeping a consistent gauge, but it would be fun to watch. Well, until it was trampled by a cat, because that is the way of things in this house.

Today’s snowflake looks a lot like a couple of the previous snowflakes I’ve already made (except slightly neater, because I really *am* getting better at this. Slowly. Very, very slowly).


But I swear it is a different snowflake. It is #12 in the book. So I shall trust the designer to not have snuck in a duplicate when the editor wasn’t looking.

Making a snowflake a day for Thingadailies.


So…today’s snowflake.

I pinned it out on the board and my first reaction was ‘huh, I thought I was getting better at these things.’ And then it occurred to me that every other snowflake has been made while sitting at home, where the only distraction is a cat (or three) trying to ‘help’. This one, however, was made while sitting with a bunch of friends and chatting.


Clearly the take-away from this is that I have much more practicing to do before I can be trusted to make snowflakes with others. Lesson learned!

Making a snowflake a day for Thingadailies.
