Still Life, With Cats

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A is for Adulting

The downside to being an adult is that sometimes you have to actual do adult things. Act responsible. Vacuum the house. Scrub the toilet. Figure out what the scary thing is lurking in the back of the top shelf in the fridge.

But sometimes you can still find ways to make it almost sort of vaguely kind of fun.

For example, let’s say that you have a toilet that needs cleaning, and you really don’t want to do it. Stand back, kids! This is where being an adult means you can do Science! For the heck of it! Just toss a couple tablespoons of baking soda into the bowl, dump in a few generous glugs of white vinegar, and give it a quick stir with the toilet brush. Voila! The water will begin to foam and bubble as if a certain green tentacled elder god is rising up from R’lyeh, directly into your toilet bowl, hellbent on scrubbing that weird stain off with his mighty claws! Another quick swipe of the toilet brush (to…uh…’vanquish’ said elder god), and the toilet is magically sparkling clean. Adulting for the win!

Or perhaps you are grumpily mopping the floors because living with six cats means there are always spots of mysterious origin lurking just around every corner, and it’s vitally important that the floors be occasionally degunkified (so that the cats have a nice, clean surface onto which to hork later, at their leisure). That’s okay. Suddenly recall that hey, you have a Steam account and Plague is now available on the PC. Reward the effort of getting those floors clean by spreading an evil bacteria that wipes out all of humanity in less than two years. Score another point for Adulting!

And also let’s not forget that as an adult, technically you are supposed to be eating nutritious meals and pretending that you do not occasionally just eat ice cream or frosted toaster pastries for dinner. In that case, toss some broccoli into the steamer (or if you’re my older sister, for whom broccoli is anathema, any other veggie will also do), and when it has reached the level of doneness you prefer, sprinkle it with a little bit of garlic salt, or Parmesan cheese, and pair it with a piece of tender, juicy Pecan Crusted Chicken, which you had previously assembled and put in the freezer the last time you were in full ‘responsible adult’ mode. Two more points for Adulting!

And if you happen to follow it up, later in the evening, with a handful of those chai tea caramels you found when you were cleaning out the fridge, well shhh, I’ll never tell.

The letter A is brought to you by the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

O is for Optometry

When a woman (or a man) reaches a certain age in their life, they might discover that they start to have trouble seeing things. Reading tiny print can be done only in really, really good light, and with no small amount of squinting. Upcoming street signs aren’t quite as sharp as they once used to be. The ability to increase the zoom on web pages suddenly becomes a life saver. And eventually, you figure out that maybe, just maybe, it’s time to go see the eye doctor.

I’ve been near-sighted all my life – well, except for that lovely period of time after the Lazik when I didn’t need any corrective lenses at all. But lately things have been harder and harder to see, and when it occurred to me that I actually couldn’t remember when the last time was I had an eye exam, I finally decided to suck it up and go.

The optometrist put me through a whole battery of tests and hmmed and nodded and wrote down lots of notes. And the verdict is exactly what I was expecting. My prescription has gotten worse since the last time I had my eyes checked, and all that eye strain I’ve been dealing with is the result of my eyes trying desperately to compensate. Oh, and also, ladies and gentlemen, I have now reached the…um….level of maturity (the assistant and I decided that was a niftier way of saying ‘being middle aged sometimes sucks) in my life when I get to get bifocals. Huzzah.

Interestingly, he did point out something I didn’t know before – something he was surprised no one had ever diagnosed. It turns out that my eyes tend to correct too far inward, especially when I’m tired, or trying to compensate for not being able to see as clearly as I need to. I have noticed that when I’ve spent too long on the computer or other close-up work, my sight tends to blur a bit and sometimes I start seeing, well, not quite double, but double-edges on things. Turns out it’s because I’m going just a little bit cross-eyed when that happens.

So not only will I be getting bifocals, I’ll also be getting prisms, which will work to ‘fool’ my eyes into thinking that things are in a slightly different spot than they are, so they look straight ahead instead of turning too far in the wrong direction.

I’ll get my new glasses in a week or so, and I admit I’m really looking forward to them. I have a feeling there is going to be a bit of an adjustment period, but it is going to be awfully nice to go back to seeing clearly once again.

The letter O is brought to you by the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

V is for Veterinary

So we thought things were doing pretty well with Rosie, after the initial diagnosis of the oral fistula. But then she started slowly refusing to eat, and we realized she was losing weight, so back to the vet we went again, this time for blood tests. Naturally, they came back inconclusive, because apparently nothing with Rosie can ever be cut and dried. They gave us some medication to help calm her gut, we bought out the stock of beef baby food from every grocery store in the surrounding few miles (since that’s the only flavor she showed any interest in), and we settled in to see if things would improve.

And thankfully, they did. Slowly. Of course, she now refuses to eat the brand of cat food she was eating before, but we’re used to that kind of ‘fun’ (because it would be cheaper to buy cans of food by the case, except when the cat for whom you buy it is known to be picky and suddenly decide that a flavor she’s been eating for months is no longer acceptable, thus leaving you with a largely untouched stack of cans that are now useless). Luckily we found a brand she *will* eat, and over the past two weeks she’s been steadily improving, even gaining back nearly half the pound she lost in the two weeks prior.

Alas, along with the returning appetite came the returning mouth issues. We’ve been monitoring it for a couple days to see if it might clear up on its own, but no such luck. Our regular vet couldn’t get us in until some time next week, so we decided to bite the bullet and take her to the one that’s really close to our house (we don’t go to this one normally because they have this annoying tendency to push lots of expensive tests and treatments that are completely unnecessary, and sure enough, they did it this time too, ugh. Lucky we’re both very good at saying no).

Thankfully, instead of sending her home with a bottle of medicine (because while she’s super easy to pill, dosing her with liquid medication is a nightmare), they gave her a single shot that will supposedly do the trick. So now we get to sit back and wait, and keep an eye on hole in her mouth to see if it gets better.

And whatever we do, we are not going to Google oral cancer. Nope. Not again.

The letter V is brought to you by the Blogging from A to Z Challenge

H is for Hi

So because I am trying to get my brain back into the ‘blog more frequently then a handful of times a year’ mode, I signed up for the Blogging from A to Z Challenge. Basically that just means that for the month of April I’ve committed to posting a minimum of 26 entries, with each related to one letter of the alphabet. If you’re looking for other people to read, I recommend going over to that site and checking out the other participants – there’s a couple hundred of them.

If you’ve wandered over from the A to Z challenge group, and you’re wondering who I am, you can check out my About page, since that covers all the basics. It’s a fairly short blurb because I figured I’ve covered all the other relevant info throughout the years in the actual entries.

I know a lot of the A to Z participants are doing some kind of theme. And I did toy with trying to come up with one for this month. But I did that once already this year, and once feels like more than enough. So…as this is a personal online journal (for the younger set, that’s what they used to call this sort of naval gazing, back in the early days, before the word ‘blog’ ever became a thing), the ‘theme’ is that I shall (continue to) write about whatever I feel like. This also means I’ll be doing the letters in whatever order I feel like as well, because we all must rebel in our own special way.

Anyway. Hi. Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I hope you like cats.

Upside down Ingrid

The letter H is brought to you by the Blogging from A to Z Challenge

Cat tales

GargoyleCatEvery morning for the past few weeks, as soon as I sit down at my desk, Nutmeg comes tearing into the office, dashes up the cat tree, and then proceeds to flail around wildly on the top of my desk. Occasionally a little head peeks (often upside down) over the edge, but primarily the only way I know she’s there is the sound of her sliding around on the wood.

At some point she then decides it’s time to see what I’m up to, so then I look up to see a fuzzy little gargoyle peering down at me.

I’m not sure why the top of my desk has suddenly become the best place to play in the morning. But when one lives with cats one learns that it’s really pointless to ask ‘why’. And at least if she is flailing around being cute up there, she is *not* gnawing on the corner of the ledge over the window. No, I have no idea why she does *that* either.


Rosie-closeupSo – an update on Rosemary and her weird mouth hole.

I took her to our regular vet on Wednesday, as per the instructions of the emergency vet. They’d faxed over all the info so our regular vet would have a heads up, and he was, I think, prepared for something really awful. But he opened her mouth and peered in and seemed more than a bit surprised that it wasn’t as bad as he was expecting.

We still have no idea what caused the hole in the first place. She had a bunch of teeth extracted back in November, but it’s not anywhere near where those came out. It is most likely a fistula, although he doesn’t think it goes all the way through to the nasal cavity (and after being extra snuffly and sneezy the few days prior to the vet appointment = because when one’s human is nervously Googling oral-nasal fistulas, and oral abscesses, and oral tumors (for the love of all that is holy do *not* Google oral tumors!), it is important to try to work in as many extra symptoms as you can just to mess with her head, after all – she’s no longer doing that either). The sides of the hole look smooth and clean – no sign of infection at all, so clearly the antibiotics have been doing their job. And bonus, he said it looks as if it’s actually trying to heal up.

So – current plan is that she gets to finish out the 10 days of the antibiotics (which isn’t any fun for us humans because Reasons that you really do not want me to go into more detail on, although I will say that i am SO VERY GLAD WE DO NOT HAVE CARPET), and we’ll keep an eye on it, but right now, the news is all good. Phew.

Bonus Round

So yes, I know that technically the month of daily dishcloths was supposed to be over as of yesterday. But I woke up at about 5:30 this morning, worrying about Rosie and the weird hole in her mouth, and so I went upstairs to check on her (she demanded food, so all was as usual), and then sat down on the couch and stared at the remnants of my cotton stash. I started working on another boring garter stitch square (this time with stripes), but then realized I just couldn’t do it. Not more garter stitch. So I ripped it all out and started over and noodled around until I came up with something a little different. Each pattern repeat reminds me a little of zipper teeth, so I have dubbed it Zip It!

Zip It - 2 color

(I would like to point out, for the record, that what you see here includes the VERY LAST of the teal yarn. Let the cheering commence.)

Once that was done, I scribbled some notes and stared at the cluster of tiny little balls of yarn still remaining and I thought hmm, I bet this would work great with scraps. And so then I knit up Zip It! number two.

Zip It - multicolor

I’ve been working today on firming up the pattern for the thing I spent most of yesterday on (including an awesome photo shoot with some very accommodating friends), but that isn’t quite ready to share. So instead I wrote up the Zip It! pattern, and uploaded it to Ravelry, and have made it available for free. You can download it via Ravelry here.

And with that, I believe I am finally done with the dishcloths. Grand total for this little personal challenge: 32 dishcloths.


Boy oh boy, if I ever need to do some serious cleaning, I think I’m now ready.

Black hole

I spent most of the day knitting. I had grand plans to get the taxes done and give the house a thorough cleaning, and while we did scrub down the kitchen and unearth the floor and all the surfaces in the office, we didn’t do nearly as much as we were planning, because….I spent most of the day knitting. And while it involved cotton yarn, it primarily wasn’t dishcloths.

I will reveal the thing later, once I get some good action shots. No, it’s not another goofy video, although one grey cat is involved, tangentially, but you will just have to wait to find out.

Things were going along smoothly until this evening, when Richard went to let Rosie out of her room (because she is on a self-imposed wet-food-only diet, we feed her in a room away from all the other cats so that they will not hoover up every bit of her food and leave her none), and noticed blood in her water bowl. Again.

Back up a bit. A week or so ago I’d noticed that the water in her bowl was tinged faintly red, and there were a few drops of dried blood on her heating pad. Naturally concerned, I flipped her over and opened her mouth to peer around inside. She had a whole bunch of teeth extracted a couple months ago, and I was concerned maybe there was some kind of infection or she’d bitten her tongue, or something. But I didn’t see anything, and she was acting normal (well, as normal as a 16 1/2 year old cat acts). So we decided to just keep an eye on her.

This time, however, it wasn’t just the blood in the water bowl. When she came out, she hopped up on my lap and I noticed immediately that her mouth was ringed with blood. I gently swabbed away what I could with a Kleenex and pried her mouth open, and that’s when I saw that there was a big hole in the roof of her mouth.

Here is where I note that this cat gets pilled twice a day (and is super easy to pill) and so I am looking inside her mouth a LOT. That hole definitely wasn’t there this morning.

So…we stuffed Rosie into a carrier and dashed off to the emergency vet.

I wish I could say that the verdict was a definite ‘oh, this is X, and here is how we treat it,” but alas, no. They verified that yes, there is definitely a big hole in her mouth, full of grossness that might be pus or might be necrotic tissue; they can’t really quite tell without a more invasive process like a biopsy. The vet did indicate that if she’s eating and drinking (which she is), then it obviously isn’t causing her any pain. It might be nothing more than an abcess, or it could be a something-or-other fistula (between the mouth and the nasal cavity) or it could be a tumor. We really don’t know at this point. All we know is that she has a big hole in the roof of her mouth.

The vet sent us home with some antibiotics, so that if there is any sort of infection, we can get started on clearing it up. We’ll schedule a visit with our regular vet at some point this coming week, to run more tests and see if we can narrow down the cause.

In the meantime, Rosie was squawking imperiously for food shortly after we returned home, and proceed to start inhaling it as soon as I put the plate down in front of her. So clearly she isn’t as bothered by this thing as we are. And for that I am grateful.


In between noodling around on the other project, I did whip up a dishcloth. It’s a plain garter stitch cloth because I didn’t much feel like trying to track down a pattern. Please note presence of Rupert toes at top of picture.


And then, after we came home from the vet (shortly after 10pm, which is normally when we go to bed), I was pretty wired, my brain buzzing with all the ‘what-ifs’ for our elderly cat, and so I sat down and knit up another one. This one is based on the White Birch pattern. I say ‘based on’ because I could tell right away that there was absolutely no need for the garter stitch border, of which I am so not a fan, so I simply left it out.


Goodbye Mr Spock

I did not grow up watching Star Trek. In fact, my first exposure (beyond seeing The Wrath of Khan in the movie theater, with which I was extremely unimpressed as a teenage girl) was The Next Generation. So unlike the classic Trekkie, I prefer Picard over Kirk. And watching the original series as an adult, I admit I did more than a fair bit of cringing at the camp, and at Shatner’s acting.

So I do not have the same connection with Spock that a lot of nerds in my generation do. I came to him as an adult, and not as a quiet, bookish, awkward kid. But that does not mean I loved him any less. He showed up from time to time in TNG and it didn’t matter that I didn’t always have the classic Trek backstory to draw from; his character appealed to me just the same.

I know that people get older and eventually they die, but for some reason, Leonard Nimoy was one of those people who just seemed like he would maybe stick around forever. The New York Times has a wonderful obituary; an overview of an amazing man. He will be greatly missed.


It seems a bit awkward to follow that up with a dishcloth, but, well, the month isn’t over yet. Also it’s teal AGAIN, so you get double apologies.

Dishcloth-Granite Stitch

Yes, I know this looks suspiciously like crochet, but it is actually knit. This was made using the granite stitch. I have no idea why it’s called that – maybe because it’s got ridges, like a mountain? Or something? Eh, who cares.

(Possibly I might be a little done with dishcloths. And teal.)

Dishcloth-a-oh let’s face it, we’re all about the Llama Drama

So in case you were not aware, there was a Very Exciting Event that happened today that lit up the internet. No, I’m not talking about the fact that the FCC approved Net Neutrality (hooray for the FCC!). I am, of COURSE, talking about the two llamas that escaped in Arizona, and then led a whole lot of people on a wild chase reminiscent of the Keystone Cops. The Twitterverse was glued to its monitors as all of this played out in live, streaming video. I am not sure which was more fun, watching the llamas loping through the streets, or reading the tweets. This was one of my particular favorites (because okay, yes today was *also* all about the FCC’s ruling, llamas not withstanding).:

Really, this is what the internet was MADE for. Damn, but I do love living in the future.


Today’s dishcloth was made using a stitch pattern from a recent test knit I did. I adore this stitch pattern – it’s easy to do and requires minimal thought (well, okay, remembering to knit the interior color on the back row instead of purl it might require a *tiny* bit of extra thought), and it creates a really neat looking fabric.


I did mention how much I loved this color combination before, right? I loved it so much I then decided to whip up a second dishcloth, using the same two colors and exactly the same pattern, except….the colors are reversed.


Think I prefer it with the darker color as the border, but either way, I love it.

Dishcloth-A-Day: Day Twenty-five

On the way to work this morning I passed a woman riding her bike, and it was very hard, as we both pulled up to the same stoplight, for me to not roll down my window and ask her if she was just an idiot, or if she had a death wish. She had a helmet. Of course, it was dangling from her handlebars and not actually on her head. To add to the fun, she had earbuds on and was not paying much attention to the cars passing her by, or anything else for that matter.

I suppose I have to give her credit for at least *stopping* at the red light – I’ve seen far too many cyclists go zooming right through (apparently unaware of the basic law of physics that says when a large, heavy metal object collides with a smaller, organic object, the larger heavy object is going to win EVERY SINGLE TIME). But still. Why even bother with a helmet if you’re not even going to wear it?

Damn kids, get off my lawn. Or something.


Today’s dishcloth was made using the Diagonal Scallop stitch. Sorry, it’s teal again, because this is the color that will not die.


I like this stitch. It gives me Ideas.
