Still Life, With Cats

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So it is now the 8th, which means we’re solidly into December now, and if you are anything like me, you may be starting to have a teensy tiny panic about everything that still needs to be done before Christmas, like getting Christmas cards into the mail, and figuring out what the heck to put in people’s stockings, and staring at the calendar trying to work out when it is you’re going to actually have time to bake all the things, so *obviously* what you need is a way to waste a whole lot of time.

Ask and ye shall receive. You’re welcome.

‘Tis the season for Holidailies.


Crazy, busy, long day, and more coming. Azzie’s limping and we don’t know why and I have zero time to take him to the vet (thankfully Richard’s schedule is slightly more flexible so he’s going to try to get him in). Home from rehearsal and wired, and still had a bunch of work stuff to do and now it’s nearly midnight (same reason as for the crazy long conference call this weekend), so…here. Pictures from a week or so ago when we put up the tree. Because I know some of you long term readers have come to expect them.

Part 1 – pull tree box from closet. Sometimes it’s heavier than others. Can’t figure out why though.
2015-12 Xmastree1

Part 2 – Open box and remove tree pieces. Sometimes there are extra pieces in the box.

2015-12 Xmastree2

Part 3 – Assemble tree. Sometimes there are obstacles in the way when attempting to do so.

2015-12 Xmastree3

Part 4 – Stand back, and wait a couple seconds. Ah…..there we go.

Part 5 – Decorate tree with whatever happens to be lying about.

2015-12 Xmastree4

Part 6 – Decide tree needs more than one ornament. Add a couple more.

2015-12 Xmastree5

Part 7 – Sit back, relax, enjoy the festive atmosphere now created.


Oh yeah. I’m supposed to be sharing a daily fun thing. Whose stupid idea was that again? Uh…okay, how about this Santa’s Village thing from Google. There. Done.

‘Tis the season for Holidailies.


Today was originally going to be busy: the usual Farmers Market trip in the morning, followed by catching up on chores and then wiling away the afternoon and evening in a gaming session with friends. The gaming session fell through – this time of year people are getting sick, or overbooked – so then we thought, oh boy, an entirely free weekend day (a rarity for me in December), so we talked about maybe just spending the day doing a bunch of cooking to restock the freezer, and actually dragging the decorations down from the attic to see if we could make the place look a bit more festive.

And then Friday hit, when everything was waylaid due to some urgent work issues, which is why I have spent the bulk of the day camped out on a conference call. Thankfully I could at least be doing it from home, still in comfy sweats and with some knitting in hand when I didn’t need to be actively involved in the discussion, but by the time the thing wrapped up, it was too dark outside to do any exterior decorating, and any desire, or energy, to spend hours in the kitchen had pretty much gone out the window.

So instead we ordered pizza for dinner (and then got to chase down Sherman, who snuck out the door, sigh), and Richard poked at the Holidailies site (new functionality on the My Profile page, for those of you participating, plus a bunch of cleanup to the participants list, and the return of the entry count), and we watched an episode of the very first season of Great British Bake Off (because I may have developed an unhealthy obsession with BBC competition shows lately), and then I decided by golly, I ought to attempt to do something vaguely festive to the house, and as any home canner knows, if you’ve been canning long enough you start to collect an awful lot of jar rings, so I made myself a slightly lopsided wreath.

2015-12-06 Canning Lid Wreath

This is one of those craft projects where I had the idea and then Googled it because it was so obvious I knew someone else had to have already done it, and I read various blog posts and thought, wow, this is so simple even *I* can do it. And all the while I was merrily gluing ribbon to the lids, I kept saying ‘wow, this really is easy’. And that continued until I actually tried to shape the thing at the end.

There is yarn involved. Also cardboard. Also swearing. Clearly we were just destined to have a vaguely egg-shaped wreath. Fine. I don’t care. It’s pretty, and it used up a teeny tiny fraction of the bazillion extra rings that are lurking in boxes in the canning closet. I am not going to bother telling you directions because I am not sure what else you need to know except ‘glue ribbon to lids’ and ‘see if you can keep the cats from stealing the glue sticks’, and ‘tie into a circle and then hope for the best.’


I admit I was awfully tempted to make ‘how to craft a clever wreath out of canning lids’ today’s nifty thing, but I’m not quite that lazy. So instead I shall point you this rather awesome interactive graphic from xkcd.

‘Tis the season for Holidailies.

Back to back

Today was a lot of fun. It was also exhausting.

I got up early to do a little bit of tidying around the house – mainly just running a couple loads of laundry and packing up my back pack for the long day ahead. Alas, I left poor Richard to do the bulk of the cleaning for the TGIO party (for Nanowrimo) which was being held at our house, but it wasn’t all that much to begin with so I am not feeling *too* guilty. Much.

Anyway. The day started by meeting at one of the other singers’ house, and then we all carpooled up to the Harris Performing Arts Center up in Folsom for the Voices of California holiday concert. The performance consisted of a large men’s chorus, a smaller quartet, a brass quintet, a high school choir, and us. We did the big group number warm up first, and then our sound check, and then hung out in our green room and spent a couple hours running music in preparation for the two concerts.

It was a completely packed house, which is always a nice thing to perform for, and we all felt solid and happy with every piece we performed, and best of all, as we finished our last piece, you could hear one of the audience members say, very quietly, ‘wow!’

Back to the green room for more music run-through, then back to the stage for the final number, and then we all dashed back to the green room, grabbed our bags, and zipped out to our cars to head off to the next gig.

This one was very different. Where the first was definitely a concert, with people who paid specifically to come hear people perform, the evening’s thing was mainly us providing background music. We started things off by singing on the main porch as people entered the museum (I, by the way, was not the only one sporting a knitted hat), then moved inside and tucked ourselves into a smaller room to do one piece (where we did attract a small, but very appreciative crowd of partygoers), and then finally, we all tromped up to the third level and sang two more pieces downward to the crowd.

So. Fun, but completely exhausting, both from the hours and hours of singing, and the hours and hours of standing. Thankfully all the other performances for the month are scheduled at only one a day. And also thankfully no hats will be required.


Today’s nifty thing is this recording from one of our recent rehearsals, because today has pretty much been 100% all about singing for me, so it seems only fitting I should share some of it with you.

‘Tis the season for Holidailies.


So part of the fun of being in a musical group is that sometimes the group is asked to perform for other organizations’ events. This month, we’ve got two of those – both of which will be taking place tomorrow.

One of the performances we’ll be doing is indoors, so it’ll be our usual attire. The other, however, starts with us singing for an hour or two outside, which means, considering it’s been rather chilly out lately, that we’ll all be bundled up in heavy jackets and gloves and scarves and hats.

I have a heavy jacket. I have shawls and scarves galore. I also happen to have a pair of fingerless gloves that I made years ago, and which live in my purse for the days when the office temperature is set to icebox. What I did not have, at least prior to today, however, is a hat.

Let’s just say there’s a reason I do not make myself hats. Some people look good in hats. I am not one of them. Not remotely at all. But it’s going to be cold, so vanity has been displaced by practicality. Thus, yesterday I went browsing through Ravelry and found a nice pattern, and then I rummaged through my stash and found a skein of yarn in a nice rich red, and then I whipped up this little number.


As I suspected, I look, with the hat on, a bit like one of the burglars from Home Alone, if one of the burglars happened to have a thing for red and lace. Ah well. At least it’ll be warm.


Today’s fun thing is this Advent Calendar by Compound Interest. If you are not already following them on Facebook, you really should. They post all kinds of interesting information breaking down the chemical components of ordinary things (pro tip, *everything* is made up of chemicals, no matter how ‘natural’ it is, because SCIENCE!).

‘Tis the season for Holidailies.

More than the days of the year

I wrote yesterday’s entry first thing in the morning, before all the news erupted over the fact that we had yet *another* mass shooting. Oh wait, scratch that. TWO mass shootings.

And then let’s also toss in the news today that the party that waves their religion rabidly around in everyone’s face – a religion based on a guy who actually TOLD HIS FOLLOWERS to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and heal the sick – voted once again to defund healthcare, further restrict a woman’s ability to get LEGAL medical procedures, cut Medicaid, and repeal the ACA; the same party that marches in lockstep with the NRA about how *obviously* the best way to prevent all those mass shootings is to get more guns on the street; the same party that overwhelmingly voted down yet another attempt to require more stringent background checks for gun purchases. Because heaven forbid a woman be able to get easy access to birth control, or a poor family be able to see a doctor without having to go into debt, but by golly, no one better stand in the way of any disaffected asshole buying up as much weaponry as they want so they can waltz into a crowded setting and mow a bunch of unsuspecting civilians to the ground.

Alkingprayer4n-7-webl of this is to say that I had something fun and whimsical to share for today’s internet thing, but shockingly, I don’t feel very fun or whimsical. So instead I shall point you to this most marvelous front page article of the New York Daily News (click image to get to article itself), which encompasses perfectly how I have felt every single time yet another domestic terrorist shoots up a shopping mall or a school or a <insert large public gathering spot here>, and the best that certain politicians have to offer is their prayers. And I will point you to the Igorvolsky twitter account. Since the news broke yesterday, he has been responding to all the hollow ‘pray for the victims’ posts from members of Congress by pointing out just how much support each person has received from the NRA.

‘Tis the season for Holidailies.

Where the wild things are

Yesterday I ‘gave’ you Holidailies (oh, hush, just let me go with it), and this morning I was poking around on Facebook (as one does when one is pinned to one’s chair under cats) and I found some nifty things, and so I have decided that in honor of Holidailies I will attempt to find one neat thing from the internets to share with you each day. Because that is the kind of giving person I am, and it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the fact that maybe I couldn’t actually come up with anything else to talk about for today’s entry.

All that is to say that today, for your moment of zen, you should go check out one or more of these live cams. Want to watch polar bears? They’ve got you covered (in fact they’ve got all *kinds* of bears covered, including the panda variety). How about jellyfish? Yep, that too. There’s kittens and puppies, of course, but also there’s sharks and dolphins and penguins, and if you’re in to bees, hey they’ve got you covered too, and zomg, there is a leafy sea dragon cam, and now my life, it is complete.

For the moment.

Okay, possibly only until I run out of coffee, but work with me here.

‘Tis the season for Holidailies.

That time again

Today is December 1st, which means that once again it’s time for Holidailies. Yay! This is its sixteenth year, which means it’s old enough to get a drivers permit and lurk on whatever the popular social media site for teenagers is and roll its eyes and talk smack about its parents. And now I think I’ve 2015-12-01 IngridGrinchmilked that metaphor wayyyy longer than was necessary. Here. Have a picture of Nutmeg in a Grinch hat and let’s pretend this paragraph never happened.

I already talked about this back in October, but for those of you who are new to my little corner of the internets, Richard and I are now your official Holidailies hosts, and we’re going to be spending the next few weeks holding our breath and crossing our fingers that the newly revamped site plays nicely with others. The beta test in October went as well as can be expected, in that nothing major came up, so we thought we were all set, until I came home from rehearsal fairly late last night and it suddenly occurred to me that we had never actually created a new ‘About’ page, or pulled in all the archived participant lists from previous years, and the Blog Badges hadn’t been uploaded, and the random writing prompt functionality was still in hiding, and, and, and….well, all of this is to say that I was up until after midnight last night doing as much as I could, and meanwhile sending Richard a string of emails consisting of lists of stuff we really ought to have done, so he’d see them all first thing this morning when he got up. Shockingly, he was not nearly as excited about all the extra work I came up with for him to do as I was (hah). That could have been because he wasn’t fully caffeinated when he sat down and saw the flurry of emails I sent him the night before, but more likely it was because my contribution to the cause this morning was to say ‘uh…I sent you some emails and I updated a bunch of files and I hope I didn’t break anything, bye!’ as I was dashing out the door far too early in the morning for a meeting down in Menlo Park at the Facebook campus (which, by the way, made me more than a bit nostalgic for the good old days of software consulting, well, except for the long hours and 100% travel, but I digress).

Anyway. I think we’ve now mostly gotten the majority of the ‘holy crap I can’t believe we didn’t think about…’ list I have been obsessively compiling all day, and anything that’s left isn’t (hopefully) urgent, so, uh, welcome to the thing I do every December! If you feel like joining in, go register.

‘Tis the season for Holidailies.

The hook

So as I am sure I’ve mentioned here before, Sherman is a bit of an escape artist. After all, my little sister didn’t get us this doormat for nothing.


Anyway. Tonight, we were leaving the house to go hole up at Panera for some dinner and some Nanowriting (because it is, after all, November, and that is what we do in November), and as the front door swung open, Sherman came tearing out from under the couch, where he likes to lurk for EXACTLY this reason, and the person who came in the house last didn’t get the screen door shut (names withheld to protect the guilty except it wasn’t me, and okay, to be fair, his hands were full of groceries, but I digress), and despite some lunging forward on my part and some shouting on both our parts, the wily little fuzzbutt made a break for freedom.

So we both flung all our Nanowrimoing stuff onto the front porch and dashed down the stairs, trying to catch a small grey fluffbrat who does not want to be caught because this is the Best Game Ever and possibly there was some swearing and also some laughing, and then, then, the most wonderful, miraculous thing happened.

A woman came by, jogging along the sidewalk. A woman Sherman had never met before in his life. A stranger.

Here is the thing about Sherman. Unlike most cats, Sherman loves people. I mean, he really, really LOVES people. He has never met anyone who is not his very best friend. Regardless of whether they might actually want to meet him, he will be right there, in their face, saying hi, demanding attention. We like to joke that he is shy. Hah. Anything but.

Thankfully she quickly figured out we could use her help and she stopped and held out a hand. Sherman, needing no more invitation than that, stopped his gleeful dashing around the front yard and immediately trotted over to say hello. One head scritch, and ten seconds later, and she’d picked him up and he was purring his little head off, even after she passed him off to me, with a laughing comment of “it’s okay, I’ve got an escape artist too.”

So now we know. The next time Sherman manages to slip out the door, there is no point in wasting any time trying to chase him down. Nope, clearly all we have to do is find a stranger.

Because the one thing in the world Sherman absolutely, positively cannot resist, is a stranger.

Weird little cat.


I have been, lately, in the mood for knitting lace.

This hits me from time to time, usually when I am already heads down in the middle of one or more important projects, such as a test knit, or something complicated that has a set deadline. But ignoring the urge doesn’t really help because then I just don’t knit anything at all, so it’s always better to just go with it, until the feeling passes.

All this is to explain why I whipped these two things up in the span of roughly two weeks last month.

The first one is Artesian, and I used MollyGirl Diva sock yarn, which arrived at my house via the magic of Yarnbox.


Oh, what’s that you say? It’s hard to see the actual knitted item when there are cats on it? Yes, yes welcome to my world. It is also hard to *knit* when there are cats on it. But I digress. Here is a better picture I managed to take in the 0.3 seconds that a cat was *not* trying to actively sit on it.


This is actually the second time I’ve knit this; the first, however, was for a shop sample for a Verb for Keeping Warm, so I didn’t get to keep it. I really liked the pattern, and the yarn I used (Even Tinier Anapurna), so when they gave me store credit, I bought a skein for myself. However, when I started knitting it with the yarn I specifically bought for it, I realized I’d rather use that yarn for something else. So I used the sock yarn for Artesian, and used the yarn from A Verb for Keeping Warm to make Golden Orchids instead.


You probably can’t tell from the full view, so here’s a close-up. This project happens to be my very first foray into knitting with beads. Verdict – working with beads is tedious when you have to stop and put them on each individual stitch with a tiny crochet hook. Also, working with beads when you live with cats is very nerve wracking. I will let you draw your own conclusions as to why.

