Still Life, With Cats

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Not an expert at haberdashery

First of all, in case you were wondering (and I am sure you were), my idea about eating the lemon sour cream waffles with lemon curd was an excellent one. Yum. But that meant that we used up the very last of last year’s lemon curd, so naturally I needed to make some more. I used my usual recipe, which involves lots of lemons and eggs and sugar and, cooked over a hot water bath until thickened.

Once I had made the curd, of course I had to come up with something to use it for. Since it happens to be the first day of Purim, I decided why not give hamantaschen a try – or more specifically Lemon Curd Hamantaschen.

The dough is a fairly straightforward sugar cookie dough – albeit very soft. It’s rolled out and cut into circles, into which you add the filling, and then comes the part where clearly I missed some important steps in the instructions because the end product is supposed to resemble a three-cornered hat and…well…

This is an excellent representation of the entire batch – not a single one kept its perfect little three-cornered shape. But no matter – despite being grossly misshapen, at least they taste absolutely delicious!

Plus there’s lots of extra lemon curd, which is good because there’s still more waffles. Yum.

Making a thing a day for Thingadailies.


It’s Wednesday! That must mean it’s time for waffles! Lemon Sour Cream Waffles, to be exact.

My free time has shrunk drastically this past week, since now we’ve got two separate sets of foster kittens to entertain, especially since one set gets bottle-fed first thing once I’m up each morning. But waffles go together quick, and I can do other things while each waffle cooks, like tackle that mystery spot in the corner of the kitchen, or fold the pile of kitten-related laundry that was taking over the dining room table.

Anyway. Back to the waffles. The only change I made to the recipe was to use yogurt instead of sour cream, but that’s only because the yogurt needed using up first.

As far as waffles go, these are pretty tasty, with a very mild lemon flavor. I think eating them with regular maple syrup was a mistake though – a dollop of lemon curd, to help bring out the lemon flavor, would be a much better option for a topping. Hmm, guess what tomorrow’s breakfast will be!

Making a thing a day for Thingadailies.

Facial plus cake

This weekend, when I went rummaging in the bottom freezer drawer, looking for the container of kitten formula I always keep in there (because I picked up a quartet of bottle babies who needed to be fed), I discovered that there was still one container of lemon curd left from last year’s batch. So I pulled it out and put it into the fridge to thaw, and this evening I made Steamed Lemon Curd Puddings. Note – these aren’t puddings like those of us in the US think of when we hear the word ‘pudding’ – these are actually steamed cakes.

These are pretty straightforward to put together, as long as you remember to Google for how to replace self-rising flour with regular all-purpose flour. I only did half the recipe, so it was good I still had an extra egg white in the fridge from making the orange curd, since it’s otherwise hard to halve an egg.

We’ve got a countertop vegetable steamer which works perfectly for things like this. I assembled the puddings (half the recipe actually ended up making four of them), plopped the covered dishes into the steamer, filled it with water, set the timer for 30 minutes, and wandered off. Half an hour later, they were done.

We added an extra dollop of lemon curd on top. Absolutely delicious!

Making a thing a day for Thingadailies.

It was inevitable

Looking at the mountain of mandarin oranges and tangelos in the fridge at the beginning of the month, I figured for sure there’d be enough to make it to the end of February. But alas, there’s only a few left, and the Meyer Lemon shrub in the backyard is beckoning with its mountains of fruit, so it’s time to slip some lemon recipes into the mix.

And when one has most of a box of bran flakes sitting in the cupboard, and an abundance of lemons, one naturally thinks ‘cookies’, right? Or maybe that’s just me? Okay, moving on.

Today’s offering to the citrus gods are these Lemon Crunch Cookies. I stumbled across this recipe while trolling the internets for what the heck to do with the rest of the bran cereal, and after reading the description, I knew I had to make them.

To quote: “Sweet, tangy and refreshing, these crisp lemon cookies make a delicate summer dessert when paired with vanilla ice cream or lemon sorbet. A perfect, ladylike treat for a baby or wedding shower.”

Because everyone knows that the thing a gal wants more than anything at her special occasion is a cookie that’ll keep her regular. Ahem.

Anyway. I stirred up the cookies this morning, and let them cool throughout the day, figuring that the citrus flavor would need a little time to become more pronounced. After lunch, we gave them a try.

The lemon flavor is very subtle, but it’s there. It’s not a bad cookie, but certainly not one I’m going to be craving. But hey, it used up a couple lemons and made a dent in the box of bran flakes, so…yay?

Making a thing a day for Thingadailies.

All the sun

There is a requirement when one is faced with an excessive quantity of citrus – and that is that one should most definitely make curd. I’ve made lemon curd dozens of time in the past, so this morning I decided to switch things up and make Orange Curd instead.

There’s not much exciting to say about the process – you whisk juice, zest, sugar, cornstarch, and eggs in a bowl over a hot water bath, stirring continuously to avoid getting bits of scramble egg in your curd, and once it thickens you remove from heat, stir in the butter, then press it through a strainer to remove the bits of scrambled egg that always manage to show up no matter how studiously you whisk, and poof, you end up with a bowl of yummy goodness.

And if there is curd, then there must also be a method of using it, so this morning I also made Orange Crepes. Again, I’m not sure what there is to say about crepes that hasn’t already been said, except that the first one is always going to be an ugly mess, but it’s still edible, so don’t toss it.

Breakfast this morning was orange crepes, filled with some cottage cheese and some fresh orange curd. Sunshine on a plate. Absolutely delicious.

Making a thing a day for Thingadailies.

The sweets that keep you regular

This year for our general Baking Sisters theme, we decided to do vintage recipes, specifically pie. There are so many weird and wonderful recipes lurking out there that were once apparently very popular, so our goal is to make a few each month and see if they’re worth reviving.

This month we picked a couple recipes from a wonderful old cookbook a friend lent to my sister – The Household Searchlight Recipe Book, published by the Household Magazine of Topeka, Kansas, in 1937. The format of the book suggests that this is a collection of recipes sent in by a whole host of readers around the country. Each recipe itself is just a list of ingredients and a few short sentences on preparation – obviously a lot was assumed common knowledge by the cook. For example, the directions for the Apple Fluff pie we made this month said to pour the mixture into ‘a pastry-lined pie tin’, with no explanation of what type of crust to use, or how to make it, and then ‘Bake in hot oven (425 F) until crust is brown and filling is firm’, with no indication of how long that might actually entail.

But I digress. This month we decided we would make Apple Fluff Pie, Bran Candy (because the instant we saw that recipe we knew we *had* to try it), and molasses squares, because we were not holding out much hope that the bran candy was going to something we wanted to eat.

First up was making the pie crust, because that needed to chill before the pie could bake. Then we moved on to the the base for the Bran Candy, which is a caramel made from brown sugar, milk, water, a tiny amount of butter, and strangely, a tiny dab of baking powder. Both of us were a bit concerned because the caramel smelled a little burnt by the time we got it to the correct temperature, but ah well.

That needed to cool, so next we moved on to the molasses squares, which again comes together like a caramel, although in this case it’s got molasses and white sugar along with the water and butter. Once that came to the correct temperature, that was poured into a pan to cool as well. We were supposed to cut it into squares before it set completely but…oops.

Back to the bran candy. Once at room temperature we were then supposed to stir in the bran (it didn’t specify what form of bran, so I used bran cereal flakes because that’s what Richard found at the store), and then whip that until it reached a kneadable consistency. However, it was immediately obvious that I had cooked my caramel a little too long, as I had to pretty much chisel it out of the pan with a bench scraper, and it nearly glued my kitchen aid attachment to the bowl. I ended up stretching it by hand, more like a taffy, which did eventually allow me to incorporate all the bran cereal.

Trust me when I say that you do not want to see what this looked like *before* I did my taffy pull technique.

This was then cut into chunks, which were rolled in powdered sugar to keep them from sticking together.

Don’t those look appetizing!

Once the bran candy was done, then it was finally time to make the Apple Fluff Pie. This pie intrigued us because the ingredients are applesauce, lemon juice, cornstarch, and eggs, and it just sounded…very odd.

The eggs are separated, then all other ingredients plus the yolks are cooked together over a hot water bath ‘until smooth and thickened’. Neither of us could figure out exactly what was meant by ‘thickened’ since the mixture never got any thicker no matter how long we stirred.

Then you beat the egg whites, and fold in the egg whites, and then that goes into the oven to bake. It took all our willpower but we both resisted adding anything else, like actual flavor (cinnamon, for example) to the pie. That gets popped into the oven and then it’s baked ‘until set’. That took quite a while.

So how did all these weird and wacky recipes taste?

The bran candy has an underlying ‘cereal’ taste – I’m not sure how else to describe it except that if you have ever eaten a flaked breakfast cereal you probably can picture exactly what I am talking about. Otherwise I doubt you’d know that there’s actual bran in there. The cereal adds a bit of texture to the candy, but that’s about it. Otherwise it was better than we were anticipating, which isn’t saying much since we weren’t anticipating it to be any good at all! Fun to make, but not worth the effort of repeating.

I had expected the molasses squares to be more like a molasses caramel but they’re instead a hard molasses candy. We both thought they were pretty tasty.

And finally, the apple fluff pie.

I was hoping this would be reminiscent of an apple pie but….it’s basically like eating applesauce. Applesauce in a crust. I sprinkled my slice with a little cinnamon after the first bite, which did improve the overall experience, but then it was just cinnamon applesauce in a pie crust.

So…final verdict: a resounding ‘don’t bother’ for all three of them. They were super fun to make, even if I am going to have to clean out my pans with a chisel due to the hardness of the caramel, but let’s just say that if these were considered tasty treats back when this book was published, I’m super glad I’m not a 1930s housewife.

As for my Thingadailies challenge, well, there was lemon juice in the apple fluff pie, so I’m calling it good.

Making a thing a day for Thingadailies.


Today for breakfast I made popovers.

Or rather, I should say that I *tried* to make popovers. It was not…entirely successful.

I found this recipe, which sounded interesting. I made half a recipe, which was good because I have no popover pans, and so instead used a muffin tin, which meant that they were significantly smaller than they should have been. As a result, even though I tried to adjust the baking times accordingly, by the time I pulled them out, it was clear they were a little over done.

The signature characteristic of a popover is that it is supposed to puff up over the edge of its container, and then when you prick it with a toothpick, it should deflate in on itself (sort of the same concept as a souffle). These….did not deflate. At all.

Thankfully, however, the inside looked fine, and they actually taste pretty good.

Not sure it’s worth purchasing pans specifically for popovers, but maybe with a little extra adjustment in times to account for the smaller size, I could make them look and act a bit more like a popover is supposed to. Hmm.

Making a thing a day for Thingadailies.

A bit of bright

I never got around to making an orange thing yesterday, mainly because I just didn’t feel like it. So this morning I made Orange Walnuts. The story behind them was bittersweet, and I was intrigued by the idea.

The recipe itself is fairly simple – you start with a caramel made with sugar and orange juice, and then you stir in orange zest, butter, and walnuts. Then you pour the resulting concoction onto some parchment and when it’s cooled, break it into pieces.

I wasn’t sure what to expect – something more like traditional candied nuts, perhaps – but while this might look closer to brittle, it’s more like a chewy nut bar. The orange flavor isn’t pronounced, but it’s definitely there – a hint of brightness amid the nuts and caramel.

Making a thing a day for Thingadailies.

It takes two

Today I decided to make scones, because it’s been a while since I made scones, and also scones are stupid easy to make, and also this recipe uses both lemons and orange, both of which I happen to have in massive abundance. Yay scones!

The key to a good scone is that you mix all the dry ingredients together first, then you add in the (cold) butter and you mix it together by hand, until the butter is well incorporated (the mixture should look a bit like sand, and you’ll still see some larger, pea-sized lumps of butter). Only once that part is done do you add in the wet ingredients (in this case, some cream), and once you add the wet, you only mix the dough until it’s *just* incorporated. You’re aiming for a delicate crumb, and overmixing will active the gluten in the flour and give you a more bready product instead of a crumbly biscuit sort of affair.

One other step that most scone recipes don’t mention is that if you want your scones to hold their shape, you should pop the whole pan into the freezer for maybe ten to fifteen minutes to chill up the dough after it’s been mixed and shaped and cut. I probably should have done that, except that I got a late start on these (because I was too busy playing with adorable foster kittens) and needed to toss them into the oven before running downstairs to get to work.

Anyway. I’ve been doing half recipes of a lot of the things I’ve made so far this month, but for this one I did the full batch. Here they are, fresh from the oven, and drizzled with the orange glaze.

And here is a single scone, gently extracted from the herd, and ready to be consumed.

Verdict: absolutely delicious, as expected. There’s a brightness from the lemon, while the glaze on top adds just the right amount of sweetness. Yum! This recipe is definitely a keeper.

Making a thing a day for Thingadailies.

Here there be dragons

I realized the other day that half the month is gone and I haven’t yet made any cookies. Also I realized it had been a really long time since I fed my sourdough starter (which lives in the fridge and gets fed every month or three, when I remember. Luckily it’s a hardy entity and thrives on neglect). So into Google those terms went, and out popped these Sourdough Almond Orange cookies. Yes, there really *is* a recipe for pretty much anything out there.

I actually put the dough together yesterday, since it needed to sit for a while and I knew I wouldn’t have very much time today to be messing with it.

This is another recipe where you use the whole orange or if you want to get technical, this one uses the pulp, plus the zest. Since I was only making half the recipe, I just used one large Mandarin, and hoped that would be sufficient. That gets ground up (hooray for the stick blender) with some butter and sugar, and then you stir in almond flour and whole wheat flour until it all just comes together. Then that gets put into the fridge for a few hours (or in my case, overnight).

This morning I rolled out the dough to bake the cookies. I asked Richard to get me a cookie cutter in keeping with the season, and he handed me a dragon, which is why these are all Sourdough Orange Almond Dragons.

Interestingly, the recipe did not actually specify the length of time they should be baked, so I just kept peeking in to check. So if you should be inspired to make your own Sourdough Orange Almond Dragons, start with about 12 minutes, and then adjust from there.

These were an interesting sort of cookie. The predominant flavor is actually the whole wheat, which disappointed me a bit since I would have expected the almond or the orange to take center stage. They’re not a bad cookie, but they’re tasty in an earnest ‘you are eating a healthy cookie’ sort of way, instead of in a ‘I am indulging in something decadent’ feeling. Perhaps if I were to ever make them again (although the chances of that are pretty much nil), I’d use all-purpose flour, so as to let the other flavors shine. An orange juice glaze might also help too.

Making a thing a day for Thingadailies.
